Lee Kane

Lee Kane is the editor of Buddha Weekly, since 2007. His main focuses as a writer are mindfulness techniques, meditation, Dharma and Sutra commentaries, Buddhist practices, international perspectives and traditions, Vajrayana, Mahayana, Zen. He also covers various events.
Lee also contributes as a writer to various other online magazines and blogs.

Supporting Member Video: Ratnasambhava Buddha Wish-Granting Mantra in Sanskrit 108 Times Chanted with Beautiful Images

  Recite along with  @BuddhaWeekly   the wish-granting mantra, the mantra of prosperity and auspiciousness of Golden Ratnasambhava, the Jewel Buddha. Turn on CC to chant along for maximum benefit. His heart mantra is: Om Ratnasambhava Tram Video:   ...
Thumnail for video: Ratnasambhava, the Wish-Granting Buddha -- video: Dharani, mantra, sadhana.

Supporting Members Video: Wish-Granting Power: Ratnasambhava Buddha 寶生如來: Dharani Mantra, Sadhana and Practice

Ratnasambhava, the Wish-Granting Buddha -- video: Dharani, mantra, sadhana. Why is Ratnasambhava Buddha described as the wish-granting Buddha? Why is he considered the Buddha closest to our world, always ready to help? What are the four generosities of ...

HAPPY TARA DAY! 2024 Tara Days: How, When, and Why we Celebrate the Mother of the Buddhas

HAPPY TARA DAY! Every day is Tara day, although typically we celebrate especially on the eighth day of the lunar month, which is auspicious for Tara practice. The second auspicious day for Tara Puja is on the Full ...

Akshobhya and the Magical City: the Unshakable Wisdom of Akshobhya, Vajra Lord: his mantra, Dharani and Sadhana

Akshobhya, the Vajra Buddha, and the Magical City (from the Lotus Sutra.) Why is Akshobhya Buddha the very face of peace? Why is the focus of the Vajra family of Akshobhya Buddha the poison of Anger? Which wisdom ...

Supporting Members Video: Akshobhya’s Power Mantra 108 Times in Sanskrit 阿閦佛梵文唱頌心咒108遍

Akshobhya literally means "unshakable" or "immovable one." How does his practice overcome anger? We achieve this through his various sadhanas, mantras Dharanis and meditations, which express the Wisdom of Reflection. It is, through pausing and reflecting and remaining calm, ...

Supporting Member Video: 8 Merit Practices of Chokhor Duchen: Buddha’s First Teaching Day

Why is Buddha's First Teaching Day considered the most important Holy Day of the Year in many Buddhist traditions? What are the eight practices recommended for this day which can create skies of merit and purify negative karma ...

Video: Buddha’s First Teaching Day Most Meritorious Practice Day of the Year Chokhor Duchen July 9 and 10th

Why is Buddha's First Teaching Day considered the most important Holy Day of the Year in many Buddhist traditions? What are the eight practices recommended for this day which can create skies of merit and purify negative karma ...

Buddha Day – Chokhor Duchen Celebrating the First Teaching: How to celebrate Buddha’s First Turning of the Wheel of Dharma — this year on July 9 or 10, 2024

Wall mural painting of The Buddha in Dharmchakra Teaching Mudra, representing the Turning of The Wheel of Dharma mudra or pose, Jokhang Temple, Lhasa, Tibet. In Buddhism, the Dharma Chakra symbolizes "teaching." The Jokhang is a Buddhist temple ...

Video: Lochana Vajra Mother Sanskrit Mantra 108 Times: Destroys Obstacles, Afflictions, Illnesses, Evil

Mother Lochana's name litearly means "Clear Visioned One." She is the “calm ocean of wisdom”  according to her praise — the Wisdom or Prajna Mother of the Eastern Purelands, the co-Equal of Buddha Akshobhya. She calms anger and ...

Buddha Dharma practice reboot? With Refuge and Bodhichitta, you are not alone — methods to supercharge your enthusiasm for Buddhist practice

Retaining devotion and enthusiasm for Buddhist practice is a lifelong journey. There are times when we ask ourselves: Am I alone in struggling with enthusiasm for my Buddhist practice? Why did I lose my enthusiasm for meditation? How ...
thumbnail Wangdu: Accomplish Your Wishes with the 9 Magnetizing Yidams of the Padma Cloud of Blessings.

Video: Accomplish Your Wishes with the 9 Magnetizing Yidams: Wangdu and 9 mantras

Wangdu: Accomplish Your Wishes with the 9 Magnetizing Yidams of the Padma Cloud of Blessings. What are the powerful and magnetizing benefits of the Padma Family, and especially the nine red Deities of the Cloud of Blessings? Who ...

July 6: His Holiness Birthday! Celebrating the Great 14th Dalai Lama’s Decades of Compassionate Activity, “Kindness that shines like a beacon” — Wishes for Long Life; his life and work

July 6 is the Dalai Lama's birthday. With kindness that shines like a beacon to the world, His Holiness the Dalai Lama celebrates his birthday on July 6th. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama (right) receives long life ...

Video: Lochana Vajra Mother – Sanskrit Mantra 108 Times: Destroys Obstacles, Afflictions, Illness, Evil

Mother Lochana is the “calm ocean of wisdom” — the Wisdom or Prajna Mother of the Eastern Purelands, the co-Equal of Buddha Akshobhya. She calms anger and illness and other afflications and obstacles. Original music, vocals, arrangement by ...

VIDEO MANTRA: Heart Sutra and Unsurpassed mantra 1 Hour Chanted 10 times in Sanskrit – Protects & Purifies

Heart Sutra — together with The Supreme Mantra in the Heart Sutra — is recited around the world for protection and removal of negative karma. It is the heart essence teaching of the Perfection of Wisdom Sutras, as ...
thumbnail Wangdu: Accomplish Your Wishes with the 9 Magnetizing Yidams of the Padma Cloud of Blessings.

Supporting Members Video: Accomplish Your Wishes with the 9 Magnetizing Yidams: Wangdu Cloud of Blessings

Wangdu: Accomplish Your Wishes with the 9 Magnetizing Yidams of the Padma Cloud of Blessings. What are the powerful and magnetizing benefits of the Padma Family, and especially the nine red Deities of the Cloud of Blessings? Who ...

Supporting Members Video: Heart Sutra and mahā-vidyā unsurpassed mantra 1 Hour Chanted in Sanskrit – Removes Obstacles, Negative Karma, Protects

Heart Sutra — together with The Supreme Mantra in the Heart Sutra — is recited around the world for protection and removal of negative karma. It is the heart essence teaching of the Perfection of Wisdom Sutras, as ...

Nine Red Yidams of Amitabha’s Padma Family: Why Magnetizing Buddhas are called “Cloud of Blessings”

Three of the nine deities of the Wangdu with the Lotus King Padmaraja, an emanation of Padmasmbhava in the center. To the left and right are Ghuyajnana (Vajrayogini) and Vajravarahi. What are the powerful and magnetizing benefits of ...

The Purity Essence Mantra: Understanding and Practicing the Mantra OM SVABHAVA SHUDDHO SARVA DHARMA SVABHAVA SHUDDHO HAM

A monk meditating on Oneness with the world and the Universe on top of a mountain. In Buddhism, most visualization meditation practices begin with the expression of Purity, called the Purity Essence Mantra: Om Svahava Shuddho Sarva Dharma ...

Video Mantra: Amoghasiddhi Buddha 1 Hour of Sanskrit Mantras All Accomplishments and Success

Amoghasiddhi’s mantra and practice “accomplishes” all activities with success. Like his co-equal Wisdom consort Tara, he represents Karma and wind (Chi) in our lives and is the manifestation of all activities in our world. His heart mantra, chanted ...
Arya Tara Karma Mother Video Sanskrit Mantra thumbnail.

Video: Arya Tara Karma Mother Sanskrit Mantra 108 Times: Heroic Activity Savioress

Mother Tara is more than the "swift one, the hero" who leaps to our aid when we are in trouble -- she is the Mother Buddha of the Northern Purelands, the co-equal Buddha with Amoghasiddhi. Tara, as the ...

Video Mantra: Amitabha Buddha Sanskrit Mantra 1 Hour 10 Protections and Powers

The 10 great benefits of chanting the name of Amitabha Buddha, as a complete practice, in the Amitabha Sutra. These benefits are available to practitioners of Amitabha Buddha who chant the Namo Amitabha Buddha or the mantras, including ...
Arya Tara Karma Mother Video Sanskrit Mantra thumbnail.

Supporting Members Video: Arya Tara Karma Mother Sanskrit Mantra 108 Times: Heroic Activity Savioress

Mother Tara is more than the "swift one, the hero" who leaps to our aid when we are in trouble -- she is the Mother Buddha of the Northern Purelands, the co-equal Buddha with Amoghasiddhi. Tara, as the ...

Honoring Guru Rinpoche: The Life and Teachings of the Lotus Born Padmasambhava Buddha on His Annual Anniversary

HAPPY GURU RINPOCHE Day and Tsog.   In 2024, June 16th is the Guru Rinpoche anniversary. The Birth Anniversary of Guru Rinpoche is a public holiday in some countries, observed on the tenth day of the fifth and ...

Tara, the Saviour, and Vajrayogini the Sarvabuddhadakini: how are they different, and how are they the one? The importance of Female Buddhas: Wisdom personified

Vajrayogini and Green Tara can be thought of as two aspects of the Wisdom Female Buddha. Vajrayogini “is the original and prototypical female Buddha of the Tantric pantheon… compassionate, all-knowing, and supremely blissful… Vajrayogini reigns supreme as the ...

Supporting Member Video: Amitabha Buddha Sanskrit Mantra 1 Hour 10 Protections & Powers

The 10 great benefits of chanting the name of Amitabha Buddha, as a complete practice, in the Amitabha Sutra. These benefits are available to practitioners of Amitabha Buddha who chant the Namo Amitabha Buddha or the mantras, including ...

Video Mantra: Vairochana Buddha Sanskrit Mantra: 1 Hour – Pacifies All Obstacles

In the center of the mandala is the Buddha Family of Vairochana (Vairocana) who is white in color and the chief of the mandala of five Buddhas. He is the same as great Maha Vairochana, the Buddha of ...

Supporting Members Video: Vairochana Buddha Sanskrit Mantra: 1 Hour – Pacifies All Obstacles

In the center of the mandala is the Buddha Family of Vairochana (Vairocana) who is white in color and the chief of the mandala of five Buddhas. He is the same as great Maha Vairochana, the Buddha of ...

Wangdu Great Cloud of Blessings: the 9 Magnetizing Activity Yidams of the Padma Buddha family: Amitabha, Kurukulla, Chenrezig, Hayagriva, Vajrayogini, Vajradharma, Padmaraja, Chakrasamvara, Guhyajnana

From a Wang Du Thangka the magnetizing deities (left to right) Chenrezig (Padmapani), Amitabha (top) Hayagriva (right) and Vajradharma (bottom.) Who are the Nine Enlightened Deities of Amitabha’s Lotus Family of Buddhas? Why is their practice so important ...

“All Dharmas are forms of emptiness” : ultimate wisdom in the spaces between thoughts, between sounds, between images, between feelings

The sages and the Buddhas found ultimate wisdom in the spaces between thoughts, between sounds, between images, between feelings. The ancient saying "all Dharmas are forms of emptiness" isn't just a fun pun — how can there be ...

Video How-to: Padmasmabhava: Key Points of Compassion & Generosity How to Chant Mantras Padmasambhava’s 4 Foundations 9 Tips from Teachers / Buddhist Teachings

How do we correctly chant Buddhist mantras for maximum benefit? Are there rules for guiding mantrayana practice? What are the prerequisites of mantra practice? In this presentation, we cover the prerequisites, the indispensibles, and offer 9 tips and ...

Supporting Members Mantra Video: Amoghasiddhi Buddha 108 Sanskrit Mantras All Accomplishments and Success

Amoghasiddhi’s mantra and practice “accomplishes” all activities with success. Like his co-equal Wisdom consort Tara, he represents Karma and wind (Chi) in our lives and is the manifestation of all activities in our world. (For a full video ...

Supporting Members: How to Chant Mantras Padmasambhava’s 4 Foundations 9 Tips

How do we correctly chant Buddhist mantras for maximum benefit? Are there rules for guiding mantrayana practice? What are the prerequisites of mantra practice? In this presentation, we cover the prerequisites, the indispensables, and offer 9 tips and ...

Greed: how to cut the poison of Raya or Attachment: methods taught by Buddha including generosity, loving-kindness and compassion

Anathapindika, the wealthy benefactor giving to the Buddha. "I will teach only two things," Buddha said. The Buddha's primary message was always the same: end suffering by cutting the poisons. To do that, we have to first understand ...

Supporting Member Video: Usnishavijaya Complete Victory Long Life Sanskrit Mantra: 4th Yellow Tara of 21 Taras

Fourth Tara Yellow Tara of Complete Victory, Embodying All Positive Qualities  (Ushnishavijaya) (Yellow) om tare tuttare ture ayur-jnana pushtim kuru svaha ॐ तरे तुत्तरे तुरे अयुर्-ज्नना पुश्तिम कुरु स्वहा  Video: https://vimeo.com/950811912?share=copy According to Longchenpa’s instructions: om tare tuttare ...

Complete Guide to Buddhist Mantra Yana Practice: 4 Foundations and 9 Tips for Maximizing Mantra Benefits

A devoted Buddhist of faith chanting mantras. The important points of practice are the foundations of Faith and Compassion. How do we correctly chant mantras for maximum benefit? Are the rules for guiding mantrayana practice? What are the ...

Mantra Part 2: Good Vibrations — Mantras in Buddhist Practice “Of what is the body made? Of emptiness and rhythm.” How does mantra work?

"Of what is the body made?" asked George Leonard in The Silent Pulse. "It is made of emptiness and rhythm." He went on to describe how science views matter: "We can see the fully crystalline structures of muscle ...

Supporting Member Video: 15th White Tara: Maha Shanti Tara Sanskrit Mantra Pacifies evil, illness, obstacles

Maha Shanti Tara, Great White Tara of Supreme Peacefulness, 15th of 21 Taras The Fifteenth Tara of the twenty-one, known as Tara of Supreme Peacefulness, pacifies and purifies all negative karma, obstacles, and harm from spirits, evil intentions ...

HAPPY SAGA DAWA DUCHEN: May 23 Celebrating Buddha’s Birth, Enlightenment and Paranirvana!

Why is this day important? It not only celebrates the Buddha conquering Samsara, but the Mahayana promise that all beings can ultimately attain Buddhahood and their own Nirvana. Full feature on Saga Dawa Merti Multiplying Month and how ...

The Sound of Enlightenment: Healing, Setting the Mind Free, Protecting the Mind, and Remaining Mindful of Dharma Throughout the Day

In some Buddhist cultures, children learn to chant mantras before they learn more common speech. Mantra, sacred sounds, are often considered protective and healing, or even life-changing. They are commonly used by Buddhists and Hindus, and — arguably ...

Buddha’s Enlightened Journey: An In-Depth Illustrated Timeline of Shakyamuni Gautama’s Life from 563 BCE to 483 BCE

Buddha attains Enlightenment. 2500 years ago, a child was born who shook the world, literally, and influenced history for the next 25 centuries.  Over five centuries before the Common Era, Siddartha Gautama was born, a world-changing event that ...

Video: Buddhist Heart Sutra Chanted in Sanskrit: Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya – with Gate Gate Mantra

Buddhist Heart Sutra Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya Chanted in Sanskrit: Profound merit and benefits For our 600th Video, we invite you to chant along (or listen) in sacred Sanskrit with the most meritorious and peerless Heart Sutra Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya, the ultimate wisdom ...

Our 600th Video! Buddhist Heart Sutra Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya Chanted in Sanskrit: Profound merit and benefits

For our 600th Video, we invite you to chant along (or listen) in sacred Sanskrit with the most meritorious and peerless Heart Sutra Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya, the ultimate wisdom Sutra in the Mahayana Canon. Chant or listen Daily for Wisdom, ...

Mantra Music: Heart Sutra Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya in Sanskrit in Sanskrit For Recitation

Cultivating a daily practice of reciting the Heart Sutra, one of the paramount teachings in the Mahayana canon, has been extolled by Buddhist teachers as a pathway filled with profound transformative benefits. As a faithful Mahayana Buddhist, one reason you might ...

Triple Blessed Month: Buddha’s Birth, Enlightenment and Nirvana, 100,000 Merit-Multiplying Month

Why is the fourth lunar month of the year called Month of Merits and why is it the most sacred month of the year for many practicing Buddhists? Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lQL82t7SCk       CONTENTS OF VIDEO 00:00-01:00    ...

Supporting Members: Triple Blessed Month: Buddha’s Birth, Enlightenment and Nirvana, 100,000 Merit-Multiplying Month

Why is the fourth lunar month of the year called Month of Merits and why is it the most sacred month of the year for many practicing Buddhists? Video: https://vimeo.com/947529007?share=copy     CONTENTS OF VIDEO 00:00-01:00    Buddha’s ...

Supporting Members Video Mantra: Lion-Faced Dakini Ultimate Protection from Evil – Sanskrit Mantra 1 Hour

Traditionally, the wrathful form of Lion-Faced Dakini Protects from Evil, Obstacles, Disaster, Supernatural Threats. Here, chanted in original Sanskrit, this most protective mantra is helpful when you feel stressed or under siege, to clear away the looming doubts ...

Saga Dawa Duchen and the Month of Merits: Buddha’s Birth, Enlightenment and Paranirvana Celebrated With “Merit Multiplied”

Saga Dawa, the most sacred day of the year, celebrated in a march at Gantok in Sikkhim.   The entire fourth month of the lunar year is meritorious, this year running between May 9 and June 6. On ...

“Spread the Dharma Downloads”: Free PDF Library of Precious Sutra, Dharanis, Teaching Transcripts, Sadhanas and Mantras

Three of Buddha Weekly's many PDF Spread the Dharma downloads. Buddha Weekly’s hard-working volunteers create educational Buddha Dharma content in multiple formats and multiple languages — to help us “Spread the Dharma.” We remain committed to new content ...

Ten ways Mantra can tangibly transform our lives and our practice and how does Buddhist mantra actually work?

His Eminence Garchen Rinpoche teaching during a Refuge Vows teaching. On his table the sacred Hum syllable. Buddhist Mantras are vital, powerful and transformative — but how do they actually work? In what ways can they help. Buddha ...

Video: Wisdom Compassion & Power Mantras: the Thee Great Bodhisattvas 1 Hour Sanskrit chanting

The Sacred Sanskrit Mantras of the Three Lords of the World -- Avalokiteshvara, Manjushri and Vajrapani, the Three Great Bodhisattvas -- are  among the most important practice mantras for many Buddhists. These syllables together represent the Wisdom, Compassion ...

Video Mantra: Eight Praises to Vajravarahi / Vajrayogini in Sanskrit Chanted By Yoko Dharma for 1 Meditative Hour

Yoko Dharma chants the glorious eight lines of praise to Vajra yogini Vajravarahi in Sanskrit with beautiful meditative images.   Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MQ6qc8c2Wo   OM NAMO BHAGAVATE BAGAVATE BAGAVATE VAJRA VARAHI BAM HUM HUM PHAT OM NAMO ARYA  APARA-JITE  ...

Mantra Music: 8 Red Tara Power Mantras Magnetizing Chanted in Sanskrit by Buddha Weekly

In Lord Atisha's practice Lineage of the 21 Taras, 8 of the 21 Taras are red or red-black. The Red Taras are the Power mantras, the magnetizing, attracting, influencing and enchanting mantras. Tare 1 is the Swift Heroine ...

Mantra Music: Buddha Weekly’s Mantra Collection 1: Green Tara, Avalokiteshvara, Manjushri, Vajrapani, Vajrasattva and more!

Buddha Weekly's first amazing album of Sanskrit Mantra jewels: Long Vajrasttva Purifying Mantra, 21 Praises to Tara in Sanskrit, Vajrapani, Manjushri, Avalokiteshvara, Green Tara, Ksitigarbha mantras, and the Great Compassion Heart Dharani of Avalokiteshvara -- ten amazing tracks! ...

Mantra Music: Buddha Weekly’s Mantra Collection 2 – Guru Rinpoche, Vajrakilaya, Hayagriva, Amitabha, more…

A superb collection of 10 advanced Vajrayana Buddhist Mantras and Dharanis, chanted beautifully in Sanskrit, including Vajra Guru Padmasambhava's miraculous mantra and 7-line Dharani, Amitabha's Long Life Pureland Dharani, plus the powerful mantras of Vajrakilaya, Hayagriva, Kalachakra Sahaja ...

Mantra Music: Yellow Tara Enriching Mantras Chanted in Sanskrit by Buddha Weekly

Mother Tara, the activity of all the Buddhas, emanates in yellow and golden forms in the lineage of Lord Atisha's 21 Taras, each with a mantra and a particular focus on Enriching activities: enriching life force, enriching our ...

Supporting Members Video: Kalachakra Mantra Chanted Sanskrit for 1 Hour Helps Overcomes all Obstacles

Kalachakra Sahaja Heruka literally translates in English as the Wheel of Time Hero. Kalachakra is one of the most important deities in Vajrayana Buddhism — one that represents the highest form of the Buddha, and a practice that ...
Vajravarahi Vajrayogini's 8 lines of Praise by Yoko Dharma thumbnail for Video

Supporting Member Video: Eight Praises to Vajravarahi / Vajrayogini in Sanskrit Chanted By Yoko Dharma for 1 Meditative Hour

Yoko Dharma chants the glorious eight lines of praise to Vajra yogini Vajravarahi in Sanskrit with beautiful meditative images. Video : https://vimeo.com/945575607?share=copy OM NAMO BHAGAVATE BAGAVATE BAGAVATE VAJRA VARAHI BAM HUM HUM PHAT OM NAMO ARYA  APARA-JITE  TRAI-LOKYA  ...

Akshobhya’s Magic City: Lotus Chapter 7, Metaphor of Expedient Means and Shunyata

In chapter 7 of the Lotus Sutra, Buddha tells the story of Akshobhya using expedient means to manifest a magical city to save some weary travellers on a dangerous road. The dangerous road represents Samsara, and the city ...

NEW – Spread the Dharma Free Dharma Downloads of Sutras, Dharanis, Pujas, Sadhanas, Teaching Texts and More

PDF Dharma Downloads new in our Special Section here>> Buddha Weekly’s hard-working volunteers create educational Buddha Dharma content in multiple formats and multiple languages — to help us “Spread the Dharma.” We remain committed with new content every ...

Wisdom Compassion & Power Mantras: the Thee Great Bodhisattvas 1 Hour Sanskrit chanting

The Sacred Sanskrit Mantras of the Three Lords of the World -- Avalokiteshvara, Manjushri and Vajrapani, the Three Great Bodhisattvas -- are  among the most important practice mantras for many Buddhists. These syllables together represent the Wisdom, Compassion ...

Buddhist practice and worldly obstacles — we all have them, but how do you overcome and purify negativities? Advice from Dalai Lama, Garchen Rinpoche and others.

The Dalai Lama and lamas faced many major and tragic obstacles in Tibet before being forced into exile. Here, the Dalai Lama and lamas leaving Tibet. Obstacles are plentiful in daily life. Whether we're dealing with an emergency ...

Fearless Buddhist: How to overcome fear in uncertain times, according to Pali Sutta, Mahayana Sutra and Tantra and King Gesar

Gesar of Ling on his magical horse Kyang Go Karkar, was a king in 1027. In his great Buddhist Epic of a million verses, we learn how to overcome our obstacles, including fear. His allegorical tale is treasured ...

Supporting Member Video: Rain of Wealth Tara Mantra: Yellow Tara of Supreme Merit, Sanskrit, 3rd of 21 Taras

The Third of the 21 Taras one of the most popular, the bringer of prosperity and a "rain of wealth". She is also called “Tara of Supreme Merit” or Golden-Colored Tara, Giver of Supreme Virtue (Serdok Chen). Her ...

VIDEO: Amoghasiddhi Buddha’s Fearless Activity, Practices and Mantras with Full Puja Visualization

Why is the Karma family, and especially the practices of Buddha Amoghasiddhi or Green Tara, important in modern times? Why is Amoghasiddhi described as absolute success or infallible? What are his praises, practices, and mantras? Why is he ...

SUPPORTING MEMBERS VIDEO: Amoghasiddhi Buddha’s Fearless Activity, Practices and Mantras with Full Puja Visualization

Why is the Karma family, and especially the practices of Buddha Amoghasiddhi or Green Tara, important in modern times? Why is Amoghasiddhi described as absolute success or infallible? What are his praises, practices, and mantras? Why is he ...

Amoghasiddhi Essence of Lifeforce: Modern, Success-Oriented and Profound Practices of the Karma Buddha Family

Amoghasiddhi Buddha. The "Tian Tan" or "Giant Buddha" at Po Lin Monastery Ngong Ping in Hong Kong is Amoghasiddhi, held his right hand up in Abhaya Mudra. This huge statue is on top of a mountain, with Amoghasiddhi's ...

How to De-escalate any Confrontation, a Vital Practice in Modern Times: The Sutra with Advice to Venerable Punna from the Buddha

Buddha teaching the monks. A few hundred years before the phrase "turn the other cheek" was coined, Buddha engaged in a brilliant advice session with the monk Venerable Punna. Although the advice was not specifically about "turning the ...
18th Tara Mantra Video Thumbnail.

Video: Mantra Eliminates All Poisons:18th White Tara Lord Atisha Lineage Sanskrit Chanted 108 Times

White Tara Who Neutralizes Poisons is the Eighteenth Tara of the twenty-one. She eliminates not only physical poisons but the internal poisons of anger, hate and attachment. Her mantra according to Lord Atisha's great lineage is: om tare ...
18th Tara Mantra Video Thumbnail.

Supporting Members Video: Mantra Eliminates All Poisons:18th White Tara Lord Atisha Lineage Sanskrit Chanting 108 Times

White Tara Who Neutralizes Poisons is the Eighteenth Tara of the twenty-one. She eliminates not only physical poisons but the internal poisons of anger, hate and attachment. Her mantra according to Lord Atisha's great lineage is: om tare ...

Five Buddhas, 5 Wisdoms, 5 Mantras: Their Practices, Symbols, Seed Syllables, and Visualizations

Who are the five Great Conquering Buddhas and what are their five Wisdoms? Why are they so important in daily Mahayana Buddhist practice? How are they different from Shakyamuni Buddha, who was born into our world? In this ...

Supporting Members Video: Five Buddhas, 5 Wisdoms, 5 Mantras: Their Practices, Symbols, Seed Syllables, and Visualizations

Who are the five Great Conquering Buddhas and what are their five Wisdoms? Why are they so important in daily Mahayana Buddhist practice? How are they different from Shakyamuni Buddha, who was born into our world?   https://vimeo.com/937950698?share=copy ...

April 22 is Earth Day, which makes it Tara’s day: nourishing, caring, mother-earth hands of Tara of the Khadira Fragrant Forest

April 22 is Global Earth Day: HAPPY EARTH DAY FROM @BuddhaWeekly.  We can take inspiration from Green Tara's example to be more mindful of our planet and all its creatures every day of the year. We can use ...

Tsa Lung Trul Khor, Yantra Yoga and Qigong — supercharging Buddhist meditation (8 videos)

Tsa Lung Trul Khor demonstration by Akarpa Rinpoche.   Tsa Lung Trul Khor is an ancient practice with a 4,000-year lineage that works with the “breath” and the energetic subtle body. With similar benefits to health as Chi ...

9 Ways Buddha Taught Us to Transform Anger with Three Sutras — Ending Negativity and Suffering:

An angry man insults the Buddha. The Buddha's reaction was "non reaction." Why do we meditate on impermanence? Why does Buddha speak so often in Sutras, on the "poison" of anger? Why do we see so many "angry" ...

Vasudhara Dharani Sutra in English and Tibetan with the Dharani in Sanskrit and Tibetan.

Vasudhara in her most popular form in Tibet, with Two arms, Golden Yellow holding a sheef of corn. She is an aspect of Tara, called Yellow Tara (11th Tara in the Nyingma 21 Taras Lineage), and she is ...

Who are the Five Great Wisdom Buddhas and Why Are They So Important? How to Visualize and Practice the Five Dhyani Buddhas

Five Dhyani Buddhas. Who are the five Great Conquering Buddhas and what are their five Wisdoms? Why are they so important in daily Mahayana Buddhist practice? How are they different from Shakyamuni Buddha, who was born into our ...

This Fresh Existence: Heart Teachings from Bhikkhuni Dhammananda: Book Excerpt

Bhikkuni Dhammananda An Excerpt from This Fresh Existence: Heart Teachings from Bhikkhuni Dhammananda  by Cindy Rasicot I am not exactly sure when it happened, but it was most likely the summer of 2016 – a very hot day at ...
Video: Ksitigarbha Earth Treasury Bodhisattva mantra chanted in Sanskrit for 1 hour.

Video: Mantra: Helps Overcome Dangers, Disasters, Brings Prosperity: Ksitigarbha Earth Treasury 地藏

  TURN ON CC captions to chant along with mantra for best experience. "Ksitigarbha Practice... his practice will ensure the universe will remain stable, riches will increase, you will gain whatever you wish for, and all glorious qualities will ...
Thumbnail for Mantra Video 11th Yellow Tara Vasudhara.

Video: 11th Tara Yellow Vasudhara Mantra 108 Times: Tara Who Enriches and Brings Prosperity

Thumbnail for Mantra Video 11th Yellow Tara Vasudhara. Video below. The Famous Prosperity Mantra of the Yellow Tara Vasudhara, the 11th Tara of 21 Taras in Lord Atisha's lineage, is a precious practice that alleviates poverty, brings prosperity ...
Video: Ksitigarbha Earth Treasury Bodhisattva mantra chanted in Sanskrit for 1 hour.

Supporting Members Video: Mantra: Helps Overcome Dangers, Disasters, Brings Prosperity: Ksitigarbha Earth Treasury Bodhisattva 地藏

"Ksitigarbha Practice... his practice will ensure the universe will remain stable, riches will increase, you will gain whatever you wish for, and all glorious qualities will expand enormously.” — Kṣhitigarbha and Ten Wheels Sūtra Khenpo Sodargye explains: "In terms of ...

Why is “Most loved” Kṣitigarbha (Jizo) “Essence of Earth” Bodhisattva revered and beloved in Mahayana Buddhism as the “closest” of all the Enlightened Ones

Ksitigarbha, who vowed to save all sentient beings is famous for protection against evil and even rescues sentient beings from the hell realms.   Of all of the Eight Great Bodhisattvas — and among all the Buddhas — ...
Thumbnail for Mantra Video 11th Yellow Tara Vasudhara.

Supporting Members Video: 11th Tara Yellow Vasudhara Mantra 108 Times: Tara Who Enriches and Brings Prosperity

The Famous Prosperity Mantra of the Yellow Tara Vasudhara, the 11th Tara of 21 Taras in Lord Atisha's lineage, is a precious practice that alleviates poverty, brings prosperity and auspiciousness. The Mantra is: om tare tuttare ture vasudharini ...

21 Mother Taras — the unlimited forms of compassionate activity with mantras and visualizations

21 Taras according to the Nyingma Terma tradition, courtesy (and with permission) of VajrayanaPrint on Etsy. This is a rare horizontal format of the 21 Taras. Why are there so many forms of Tara? Why is the glorious ...

Seeing Maitreya Buddha: Asanga’s Story, Maitreya Practice and His Sutra Dharani

Why is Maitreya Bodhisattva the face of love? Why is Maitreya called the Future Buddha? Why does his name translate as loving friend? Maitreya's name gets to the heart of his practice right away. His name, Maitreya, literally ...

The Karma of Intention: Buddhist Guide to Holy Objects: Etiquette, Placement and Other “Rules”

Shrines and altars can be anywhere even in caves, if they are treated properly.Here is a temple in a cave in Dambulla Sri Lanka. Notice the statues are all as high as possible, even in the low cave. ...

Maximize Merits in Buddhism: Solar and Lunar Eclipses Practices, a Comprehensive Guide to Practice

  Although we practice Dharma every day, there are certain days on which this practice yields additional karmic merit -- or its opposite. Traditionally, these are Buddha anniversary days, and the solar and lunar eclipses. It's not about ...
9th White Tara Thumbnail for video mantra of the 9th of 21 Taras Atisha lineage

Mantra Video: Mantra Protects All 8 Dangers: White Tara (Tara 9) Who Protects from All Fears 108 Times Sanskrit

9th White Tara Thumbnail for video mantra of the 9th of 21 Taras Atisha lineage In Lord Atisha's 21 Taras transmission, direct from Mother Tara Herself, the 9th Tara of the 21 is White Tara pacifies all eight ...

Many paths, one destination: How to choose the Buddhist path that supports you; Why choose one tradition of Buddhism over another?

There are many traditions and schools in Buddhism, but each path ultimately leads to the same destination. Only the methods vary, based on the individual preferences and capabilities of students. How important is choosing a tradition in Buddhism? ...
9th White Tara Thumbnail for video mantra of the 9th of 21 Taras Atisha lineage

Supporting Members Video: Mantra Protects All 8 Dangers: 9th White Tara Who Protects from All Fears 108 Times Sanskrit

In Lord Atisha's 21 Taras transmission, direct from Mother Tara Herself, the 9th Tara of the 21 is White Tara pacifies all eight dangers and fears. Her mantra is: om tare tuttare ture mama upakrama raksha raksha svaha ...

Alternatives to “Seated” Meditation: Dance, Stand, Drum, Chant, and Move Your Way to Active Enlightenment — Taking a Stand: Activity Yogas

Fortunately, Buddha spent much of his time walking from teaching to teaching -- not always seated in meditation. Here, a would-be killer tries to attack him on the road. No matter how fast the killer runs, Buddha's walking ...

Maitreya Bodhisattva, the Future Buddha — the face of Love; the loving friend of all sentient beings

Maitreya Bodhisattva, the Future Buddha — the face of Love; the loving friend of all sentient beings Why is Maitreya Bodhisattva, the Future Buddha, the face of love? Why does his name translate as "friend" — and more ...

Offerings “obtained righteously, and offered “with a pleasant mind” — Dakkhinaavibhangasuttam Sutta of Offerings

Anathapindika bows before the Buddha. He is famous as the benefactor who donated the Jetavana retreat park to the Buddha and his followers. This valuable offering has great value and merit if it was attained through righteous "right ...

What Is Walking Meditation? For Active Bodies and Minds, Walking Meditation May be the Change of Pace You Need to Progress

A Theravadan monk crossing a suspension bridge in mae Hong Son. Walking meditation is part of daily practice in Buddhism.   When meditating, sitting in silence may not feel like the right fit for you. Meditation involves much ...

Video Mantra: Mantra: 2nd White Tara of 21 Tara of Supreme Peace Sarasvati in Sanskrit 108 times

White Taras are all pacifying Taras. We visualize white light emanating from Tara as we chant the mantra, and entering our heart and going out to all beings in Samsara, healing them, pacifying their anger, poisons and diseases ...

Avalokiteshvara Guanyin Pusa Universal Gate Sutra 妙法蓮華經觀世音菩薩普門品 Recited for Benefit of all Beings

On Special days, such as Guanyin Pusa Avalokiteshvara's birthday (Marchw 29, 2024, 19th of 2nd lunar month), merit from recitation of Guanshiyin's sutra, Universal Gate Sutra is multiplied millions of times, extinguishing negative karma. This beautiful recitation is ...

Supporting Member Video: Mantra: 2nd White Tara of 21 Tara of Supreme Peace Sarasvati in Sanskrit 108 times

White Taras are all pacifying Taras. We visualize white light emanating from Tara as we chant the mantra, and entering our heart and going out to all beings in Samsara, healing them, pacifying their anger, poisons and diseases ...

Avalokiteshvara’s 108 main forms: one for each mala bead and one for each poison — the many faces of compassion

Some of the many faces of compassion. From top left to right then bottom left to right: Hayagriva Vajrayogini (Vajra Varahi); 4-armed Chenrezig; Guanyin; Red Chenrezig Yabyum; White Mahakala; Black Mahakala; 1000-armed Chenrezig.   Why does the compassionate ...

Video: Mantra: 21st Tara Who Completely Perfects All Enlightened Activities: Marici Tara

The Twenty-First Tara of the twenty-one Taras, known as Tara Who Completely Perfects All Enlightened Activities is none other than Marici (pronounced Marichi). She perfects all pacifying activities and completes all siddhis, common and supreme, including various magical ...
Buddha Weekly presents Mantra video: White Tara Who Alleviates All Suffering, 19th of 21 Taras.

Video: Pacifying Mantra of White Tara Who Alleviates Suffering 108 Times, Sitatapatra, 19th Tara

The powerful pacifying mantra transmitted by Tara Herself to Lord Atisha as the 19th of the 21 Taras, White Tara Who Alleviates Suffering who is Sitatapatra: om tare tuttare ture mocana svaha      (pronounced mochana with a ...
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