VIDEO and PRACTICE: Green Tara 7-Minute Daily Practice with Sadhana, chanted Mantra and visualizations
Mother Tara’s practice is for everyone. This Sadhana praises Tara and creates merit and virtue. Merit is multiplied on Tara Days (the 8th of each lunar month, or first quarter moon) but this is a daily practice.
Tara is the Mother of All. She is also the Heroic One, the Savior who rescues people in need or danger, saving us from the 8 dangers.
VIDEO RECITATION – 7 Minute Tara Practice for Daily Practice or Tara Days
- As the activity of all the compassionate Buddhas, She is the one we call on when we have any need. For a full video on Mother Tara, including stories of her rescues, see our 30 minute documentary>>
- Here we recite 9 times the mantra for a short 7-minute total practice. For a longer session, see our beautiful 108 Times Tara mantra Chanting>>
In concise form, the frontal generation for accumulating merit, with offerings and praises by the great Translator Marpa.
Ushnisha Vijaya Namgyalma, Arising from the Ushnisha of the Buddha, destroyer of the Lord of Death.
Venerable Arya Tara, who liberates from the fears of Samsara.
Great Lord of All Families, Vajrasattva.
To the three Supreme Deities and the full assembly, I bow, pay homage, and make offerings.
In Tara, the Buddha, Dharma, and Supreme Assembly, I take refuge until Enlightenment. By the merit of my generosity and other deeds, may I attain Buddhahood for the sake of beings.
In front of me instantly arises a blazing green TAM syllable. By the light of the syllable, Venerable Tara appears in the sky, surrounded by an assembly of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.
Namo Guru Arya Taraye. Namo Buddhaya. Namo Dharmaya. Namo Sanghaya.
I prostrate with complete purity to Venerable Arya Tara and all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who dwell in the ten directions and three times.
I offer real and imagined flowers, incense, butter lamps, scent, food, music, and so forth. Assembly of Arya Tara, please accept it.
I confess all my faults from beginningless time until now, committed with a mind under the sway of the afflictions, such as the ten nonvirtues.
I rejoice in whatever merit has been accumulated in the three times by Hearers, Solitary Realizers, Bodhisattvas, ordinary beings, and others.
Please turn the wheel of the Dharma according to the intentions and mental dispositions of sentient beings.
Until Samsara is emptied, please do not pass into Nirvana but look with compassion upon sentient beings that are drowning in the ocean of suffering.
May whatever merit I have accumulated become the cause of Enlightenment for the benefit of sentient beings.
May all beings have happiness and the causes of happiness. May they be free from suffering and the causes of suffering. May they not be separated from the sublime happiness that is free from suffering. May they rest in the great equanimity that is free of the duality of attachment and aversion.
Thus one gathers the accumulations through prostrating, offering, confessing, and generating the two types of bodhichitta of the preliminaries.
Now, while holding the visualization of Tara, I recite the mantra. As I recite, I see green light going out from the Tam at Tara’s heart, blessing all beings in the entire universe, then returning and blessing my own body, speech and mind.
Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha
By the power of praising and supplicating you, wherever I and others reside may illness, obstructive spirits, poverty, and fighting be pacified, and may the Dharma and auspiciousness flourish.
Buddhas, bodhisattvas, and the Sangha, please heed me. From the great, beginningless Samsara, I and all beings have performed the virtue of cultivating generosity and ethical discipline and have rejoiced in the expression of these deeds. By the virtue practiced thus, with the mind of holy generosity, may ornaments and belongings become the host of practitioners, and for the sake of our parents, teachers, masters, and all sentient beings, may we achieve Buddhahood. By the merit arisen from this virtue, may we acquire all the perfections such as life, merit, enjoyment, a retinue, and virtuous practice, and may all obstacles be pacified without exception.
May I attain Enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings.
We dedicate the virtue of this presentation to the benefit of all sentient beings.
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Tara Teaching from His Holiness the Sakya Trichen: Interview Q & A: Do you have a Tara Question? Chances are His Holiness Already Answered…

Boundless Heroine Tara: Bodhisattva, Mother, Saviour, Friend: Stories of Rescues and a Sadhana by Marpa the Translator
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Lee Kane
Author | Buddha Weekly
Lee Kane is the editor of Buddha Weekly, since 2007. His main focuses as a writer are mindfulness techniques, meditation, Dharma and Sutra commentaries, Buddhist practices, international perspectives and traditions, Vajrayana, Mahayana, Zen. He also covers various events.
Lee also contributes as a writer to various other online magazines and blogs.