Amitabha Sukhavati Practice in 11 minutes: Refuge, 7 Limbs, Offerings, Mantras, Dharani
The short Sadhana, presented here is a daily practice to draw you closer to the great, compassionate Buddha, and to develop the common and uncommon siddhis or powers.
In Amitabha, the Buddha the Dharma and the Supreme Assembly, I take refuge until I attain enlightenment. Through the merit of practising generosity and other perfections may I attain Enlightenment for the Benefit of all sentient beings. (3X)
You are the protectors of all beings, every single one. You are the deities who remorselessly destroy the māras and their forces. You who know all things just as they are, in their true nature, enlightened ones, with your retinues, come now to this place!
I visualize the merit field appearing before me, with Amitabha Buddha at the center, red in color, blazing with glorious life-affirming light
I now perform the seven limbs of practice, beginning with prostrations:
To all the buddhas, the lions of the human race, In all directions of the universe, through past and present and future, to every single one of you, I bow in homage.
Devotion fills my body, speech and mind. Through the power of this prayer, aspiring to Good Action, all the victorious ones appear, vivid here before my mind. I imagine multiplying my body as many times as atoms in the universe, each one bowing in prostration to all the buddhas.
In every atom preside as many buddhas as there are atoms, and around them, all their bodhisattva heirs.
And so I imagine them filling completely the entire space of reality.
Saluting them with an endless ocean of praise, I sing of the Buddhas’ noble qualities, and praise all those who have gone to perfect bliss.
To every buddha, I make visualized offerings of the loveliest flowers, of beautiful garlands, and of music and perfumed ointments, the best of parasols, the brightest lamps, and finest incense.
To every buddha, I make offerings: exquisite garments and the most fragrant scents, powdered incense, heaped as high as Mount Meru, arranged in perfect symmetry.
Then the vast and unsurpassable offerings, inspired by my devotion to all the Buddhas, and Moved by the power of my faith in Good Actions. I prostrate and offer to all of you victorious ones.
Whatever negative acts I have committed, while driven by desire, hatred and ignorance, with my body, my speech and also with my mind, Before you, I confess and purify each and every one.
With a heart full of delight, I rejoice at all the merits, of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, Pratyekabuddhas, those in training and the arhats beyond training, and every living being, throughout the entire universe.
You who are like beacons of light shining through the worlds, who passed through the stages of enlightenment, to attain buddhahood, freedom from all attachment, I exhort you: all of you protectors, turn the unsurpassable wheel of Dharma.
Joining my palms together, I pray to you to not pass into nirvāṇa, and remain, for aeons as many as the atoms in this world, and bring well-being and happiness to all living beings.
What little virtue I have gathered through my homage, through offering, confession, and rejoicing, through exhortation and prayer, and all of my practices, I dedicate to the enlightenment of all beings!
Bhagavān, tathāgata, arhat, complete and perfect buddha, Amitābha, to you I pay homage! In you I take refuge! (3x)
Glorious, glowing red light emits from the syllable Hriḥ at Amitabha’s heart and goes out to all sentient beings in the universe purifying them, then returns to my own heart.
I continue to see this purifying and blessing light radiating out to all beings and then entering my heart as I recite the glorious Dharani.
Namo ratnatrayaya. Nahmah aryamitabhaya tathagatayarhate samyaksam buddhāya. Tadyatha: om amrite amitodbhave. Amritasambhave. Amritagarbhe. Amrita siddhe. Amrita teje. Amrita vikrante. Amrita vikranta gamini. Amrita gagana. Kirti kari. Amritadun. Dubhi shvare sarvart hasa dhani. Sarva karma kleshak. Shayam kari svaha. Aum, brum, hum.
Namo ratnatrayaya. Nahmah aryamitabhaya tathagatayarhate samyaksam buddhāya. Tadyatha: om amrite amitodbhave. Amritasambhave. Amritagarbhe. Amrita siddhe. Amrita teje. Amrita vikrante. Amrita vikranta gamini. Amrita gagana. Kirti kari. Amritadun. Dubhi shvare sarvart hasa dhani. Sarva karma kleshak. Shayam kari svaha. Om, brum, hum.
Namo ratnatrayaya. Nahmah aryamitabhaya tathagatayarhate samyaksam buddhāya. Tadyatha: om amrite amitodbhave. Amritasambhave. Amritagarbhe. Amrita siddhe. Amrita teje. Amrita vikrante. Amrita vikranta gamini. Amrita gagana. Kirti kari. Amritadun. Dubhi shvare sarvart hasa dhani. Sarva karma kleshak. Shayam kari svaha. Om, brum, hum.
I dedicate the merit of this recitation and practice to the cause for Enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings.
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Lee Kane
Author | Buddha Weekly
Lee Kane is the editor of Buddha Weekly, since 2007. His main focuses as a writer are mindfulness techniques, meditation, Dharma and Sutra commentaries, Buddhist practices, international perspectives and traditions, Vajrayana, Mahayana, Zen. He also covers various events.
Lee also contributes as a writer to various other online magazines and blogs.