Dharma Art Galleries

Buddha Weekly

Dharma Art Galleries

We encourage downloads of these beautiful Dharma images for personal Dharma use courtesy of Buddha Weekly. If used in blogs or published format, please credit Buddha Weekly. Don't miss our beautiful video production with original mantra audio on our Youtube Channel>>

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5th Red Tara Kurukulla Gallery

Tara is not a static concept. Instead of a seated Buddha, we think of her as a dynamic action heroine, the karma goddess helping and rescuing beings. Here in our concept from our Video "Boundless Heroine Tara" she is rescuing a caravan from bandits. This image is available in our dgital gallery for personal use, or for use in social media or sharing with credit to @BuddhaWeekly..

Arya Tara Karma Mother Gallery

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Amitabha Buddha Gallery

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Ratnasambhava Buddha Gallery

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Akshobya Buddha Gallery

Amoghasiddhi Buddha-©BuddhaWeekly-32

Amoghasiddhi Buddha Gallery

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Lochana Gallery


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