Video: Gold Tara’s Mantra that Controls All Mantras – Tara 17: Swiftly Stops Violence, Evil

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    17th gold tara B

    This powerful mantra supplicates Tara to swiftly (the reason tare is twice in the mantra) pacify all harm from war, violence, evil intentions, curses or mantras of others: sarva is “all” while stambhani is a type of black magic, ill-will, or the evil intentions of others. She has the power to shake all three worlds.  She stops all violence. HER MANTRA IS THE MANTRA THAT CONTROLS ALL OTHER MANTRAS. This is symbolized by her symbol, the Stupa.




    HER SYMBOL IS THE STUPA which is the symbol for the Enlightened Mind of Buddha. It is through wisdom of the Enlightened Mind that Tara dispels violent thoughts, war, evil intentions including black magic or curses. The wisdom of the Enlightened Mind, symbolized by the Stupa, controls all other mantras. (This is why her mantra is “the mantra that controls all other mantras.)

    Her Name Translates as: She Who Causes the Three Realms to Tremble

     HER PRAISE explains why:

    Homage! TURE! With seed letter
    Of the shape of syllable HUM!
    By foot stamping shakes the three worlds,
    Meru, Mandara, and Vindhya!

    In Sanskrit this praise is:

    Namas Ture pada ghata
    Hum karakara bijite
    meru mandara kailasa
    bhuvana traya chalini

    Color: Red-yellow
    Vase: Yellow
    Nectar: Overcomes and pacifies all maras and obstacles, shaking the three worlds
    Activity: Magnetizing and controlling the power of mantras
    Specialty: Calms all obstacles no matter how overwhelming.

    Visualization from Lama Zopa:

    “On the seventeenth petal is Tara Who Causes the Three Realms to Tremble (Drölma Jikten Sumyowa), red-yellow in color. Pacifying maras and obstacles, shaking the triple world, she holds a yellow flask containing nectar whose function is to control the power of mantras, which means controlling those who try to harm you using mantras.”



    She is “red-gold” or “orange” to symbolize she both controls (symbolized as red) and “enriches” or multiplies peaceful thoughts and intentions, soothing even the wildest thoughts.

    She is also very fast, symbolized by the symbols “tare” repeated twice in the mantra.

    When we feel threatened, Tara calms us — and those who would harm us.

    #GoldTara #YellowTara #Tara

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    Lee Kane

    Author | Buddha Weekly

    Lee Kane is the editor of Buddha Weekly, since 2007. His main focuses as a writer are mindfulness techniques, meditation, Dharma and Sutra commentaries, Buddhist practices, international perspectives and traditions, Vajrayana, Mahayana, Zen. He also covers various events.
    Lee also contributes as a writer to various other online magazines and blogs.

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