Spread the Dharma Downloads
Buddha Weekly’s hard-working volunteers create educational Buddha Dharma content in multiple formats and multiple languages — to help us “Spread the Dharma.” We remain committed with new content every week in online features, Dharma download PDF resources, videos, podcasts, and emailed “ezines”, thanks to your help.
Our videos at https://www.youtube.com/buddhaweekly
Our online in-depth written features (with language translation) here: https://buddhaweekly.com
Our beautifully chanted mantras on Apple Music https://music.apple.com/ca/artist/buddha-weekly/1691780466
Mantras on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1Rk3pOFGwxJFhjnOhZyHWx
Our podcasts (also found on Podcast streaming services) at SpreadtheDharma.com
Here we provide PDF downloads of Pujas, Practices, Sadhanas, and Sutras for recitation.
Your Dharma Download Library
Mantras and Dharanis
Teaching Transcripts
Other Dharma Texts