Home 2017
Buddha Weekly's Latest Features
“Putting Compassion on the Scientific Map”: Compassion Boosts Happiness/Health; and Research Indicates That Practicing Buddhists Are Happier than Average.
Video with wonderful mantra chanting: Om Gate Gate Paragate Para Samgate Bodhi Soha, the essence of Heart Sutra and Emptiness
Taking Refuge in Buddha, Dharma and Sangha and the Four Immeasurables sung by amazing Yoko Dharma with video visualizations
Broken Commitments: 3 Teachers weigh in on practice “overload” and breaking Vajrayana practice promises. What do we do about it?
Zen Skateboarding: Riding Into Enlightenment
Tara Book excerpt and teaching: Who is Tara and how can She help us? An introduction to Tara, Karma, Shunyata, Dependent Arising, and Buddha Nature by Venerable Zasep Tulku Rinpoche
What’s with all this consort union in Tantric Buddhism? No, it’s not about sexual fantasies. The psychology of Yab-Yum consorts, union of wisdom and compassion
Video: “How do I deal with my anger? Sometimes it consumes me and hurts others”: a Buddhist student asks teacher Ven. Zasep Tulku Rinpoche
Buddha Weekly's Latest Videos
Why giving and taking practice is an important kindness meditation and Bodhichitta practice; how to do it guided video: Zasep Rinpoche
Video: Purification of the Obstacles of Dharma practice: Doubt, Fear and Restlessness. Buddhist Ngondro Foundation Teachings, Part 3 –– a Teaching from Venerable Acharya Zasep Tulku Rinpoche
Video teaching: Metta and Karuna, the “most important” Buddhist practices of Love and Compassion, from H.E. Zasep Tulku Rinpoche
White Tara long life practice video with special 5-colors protection light guided visualization from Venerable Zasep Rinpoche
Music Mantra Video: Om Mani Padme Hum wonderfully chanted by Yoko Dharma, the sacred sound of compassionate Buddha Chenrezig
Teaching video: Chod teaching and full drumming and chanting ritual with scenes of 108 Springs retreat in Mongolia
Video Buddhist Advice 9: How Can Advanced Vajrayana Students Simplify and Manage Commitments and Practice? Answered by Venerable Zasep Tulku Rinpoche
Medicine Buddha video teaching: the Four Immeasurables are immeasurably important; meditation and commentary — H.E. Zasep Rinpoche
Buddha Weekly Online Magazine, published since 2007, takes a topical approach to modern Buddhist feature writing — topics of interest to modern Buddhists, from the multiple points-of-view of many teachers of different traditions.

Our writers and editors are senior students who seek out, or research, the opinions of teachers on important Dharma issues, such as: the implications of non-human animal sentience; or palliative care and assisted dying as we all grow older; alternative healing; practice overload in busy, modern lives; internet Dharma.

Most of our contributors are interested in how science compliments and reinforces Buddhist concepts. We take Dharma topics, often the Buddha's own words, and look how modern science might support ancient truths. We cite research and quote scientists and Buddhist teachers. Past topics have included: meditation for healing, the evidence for rebirth, how to understand emptiness, and why "compassion" should be put on the scientific map.

Our newest special series is "Interviews with the Buddhist Teachers". We interview, in person, a well-known teacher. These extensive interviews cover wide-ranging topics — such as Karma, Rebirth, Dharma, Buddhist Deities, Meditation, Healing and more — and are a great way to gain diverse teacher-led insight into important Dharma topics and practices.

Buddha Weekly's new "Advice from the Teachers" videos take student questions to teachers for a short 5 minute video-recorded answer. In our first series of ten, teachers respond to questions about Karma, healing for chronic illness, losing a loved one, loss of a beloved pet, keeping motivated in your practice, dealing with memory loss, how to purify negative karma, and other important topics.
2018 Buddhist Practice Calendar with Tsog Dates
Beautifully illustrated by Jampay Dorje with full lunar and western calendar. MORE>>