
An angry man insults the Buddha. The Buddha's reaction was "non reaction."

9 Ways Buddha Taught Us to Transform Anger with Three Sutras — Ending Negativity and Suffering:

Buddha's wonderful birth.

Remembering Acchariya Abbhuta Sutta: “Wonderful And Marvelous” Qualities of the Buddha on Buddha’s Day of Miracles

Buddha's miracle of flames and water.

Miracles of Buddha: With the approach of Buddha’s 15 Days of Miracles, we celebrate 15 separate miracles of Buddha, starting with Ratana Sutta: Buddha purifies pestilence.

Buddha statue, with his hand in the mudra of teaching.

Logic and Analysis: Buddha teaches in Magga-vibhanga Sutta — Analysis of the Noble Eightfold Path

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A Theravadan monk explains how Buddhist mindfulness and clinical therapeutic mindfulness are complimentary — but not the same

A Tibetan monk diligently creates a sand mandala — a devotional act that shows faith (in the teachings) sufficient to spend days creating an impermanent mandala wit full concentration and meditative attention — and certainly mindfulness! — only at the end to sweep the mandala into the river water (demonstrating impermanence.)

The Five Strengths and Powers or pañcabalā in Buddhism — the qualities conducive to Enlightenment: faith, energy, mindfulness, concentration and wisdom

Rahula asks for his inheritance, urged on by his mother from a "life of Buddha" series of reliefs at Preah Prom Rath Monastery, Cambodia.

“It is I, Rāhula”; “I see,” said the Buddha — the story of Buddha’s son whose name means “shackle”

Four happy novice Buddhist monks.

Why happiness and laughter are actual Buddhist teachings. The Sutra on Happiness, the Tathagata’s teaching “This is the great happiness!”

Buddha calmly resists Mara's evil hoard under the Bodhi tree.

Ehipassiko: encouraging investigation — Buddha taught logic to give us confidence in Dharma — not perpetual doubt

the Wheel of Life

Dependent Co-Arising Answers Most Arguments with Impeccable Logic: The Great Causes Discourse Maha-nidana Sutta

The Blessed One, the Buddha, teacher of both man and gods.

“To attain the highest state of bliss, which is Nirvana, we must follow the Blessed One” Kevaddha’s story in Pali Sutta

Serial killer Angullimala tries to kill the Buddha and instead becomes his student. Buddha teaches Anguilmala — obviously an extreme case — through virtuous conduct. Even as the killer attacks him, Buddha does not attempt to defend himself — yet Anguilimala is unable to stab him.

Peacemaking Buddhism: importance of Ahimsa “Non-Harm” in Buddhism — “Nonviolence is the weapon of the strong.”

Mindfulness, as taught by Buddha, is the foundational practice of all forms of meditation in Buddhism, from Vipassana to Samatha to Mahamudra. No practice in Buddhism, including devotional Pureland Buddhism, can function without the foundation of mindfulness. For this reason, Buddha called it the "Only Way.":

One Sutta to rule them all — Buddha’s most important sutta on Mindfulness: The Satipatthana Sutta “The Only Way”

Tears of Buddha

Assu Sutta: Tears of suffering in Samsara greater than the “ocean of the four great oceans.” Buddha Sutra

King Bimbisare offers to give up his entire kingdom to the Buddha. Credit Hintha.

Buddha’s Advice for Politicians? 10 Virtues of a Leader; “I have done what will not lead to future distress”

Shakyamuni Gautama Buddha teaching the monks as recorded in Suttas. Statues from Jantaburi Temple iln Thailand.

Baalapandita Sutta: Buddha Teaches How to Recognize the Fool and the Wise One — English

Buddha gives precious teachings to the Bhikkus.

A Better Way to Catch a Snake Sutra: Buddha explains the danger of misinterpreting the Dharma

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Nidana Sutta: Buddha Teaches the Three Causes for the Origination of Actions — Greed, Aversion, and Delusion: Sutra

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Akkosa Sutra — How Buddha dealt with insults and hate; advice that transcends the centuries

Novice monk in Laos reading Buddhist Dharma texts in Sanskrit.

How to Read Buddhist texts in the original language and why it is a power practice.

Buddha teaching the Dharma to disciples.

Headed for darkness or light? Of world’s 7.9 billion people, Tamonata Sutta says there are four types of people, two headed to darkness

The cornerstone of Buddhist practice is meditation in its many forms.

Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta: The Great Discourse on the Establishing of Awareness; mindfulness of body, feelings, mind, mental qualities

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The secular Buddhist approach to managing money wisely — as taught in Sutra

Buddha teaching.

Vatthupama Sutta — when the mind is defiled, an unhappy destination… when the mind is undefiled, a happy destination

Buddha teaching.

Bhaddekaratta Sutta, Auspicious Day: “what is past is left behind; the future is as yet unreached… do what should be done today”

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Four Questions the Buddha Would NOT Answer and Why: Is the Cosmos Finite in Space?; Is the Universe Finite in Time?; Is the Self Different From Body?; Does the Buddha Exist After Death?

Buddha teaching.

Maranassati Sutta: Mindfulness of Death — “it plunges into the Deathless, has the Deathless as the final end.”

Buddha teaching the Dharma.

What is Welcome to the householder Buddhist — the Ittha Sutta. Long life, beauty, happiness are “not obtained by reason of prayers or wishes”

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Weekly Sutra: Hatthaka Sutta: Sleeping Well in the Cold Forest: “having cut all ties… he sleeps at ease… “

The river metaphor appears often in Sutra teachings. Here, Shakyamuni is assailed by Mara, but the evil ones are swept away in the river of Samsara. Buddha, the Enlightened, is unassailable.

Buddha teaches the Nadi Sutta: overcoming the assumptions of self with the River Sutra; the river of Samsara cannot be escaped by clinging to the notion of an “abiding self”

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