Search Results: mindfulness
Buddhist Home Retreat: What the Teachers Say About the Home Retreat Practice for Busy People Who Can’t Attend Extensive Retreats
La Gug Part 2 Video: Preserving Your Healthy Vitality and Life force —— from a Weekend Medicine Buddha Healing Retreat with Venerable Zasep Tulku Rinpoche
In part one of this video series on La Gug Vitality Retrieval, the most Venerable Zasep Tulku Rinpoche —spiritual head of several Buddhist Centres in Canada, the United States and Australia — explained how recognize the "symptoms your life-force is weakened." Part 1 of this video series is here: "La gug Lifeforce...
“What the Teachers Say” Video Series: Buddhist Teachings on La Gug — Restoring Life Force Vitality — from a Weekend Retreat on La Gug with Venerable Acharya Zasep Tulku Rinpoche. Part 1 — “Symptoms Your Life-force is Weakened”
La Gug literally translates as "Vitality Retrieval." For centuries, Tibetan Buddhism has perfected meditations which help you restore your vitality — also known as life force, Chi or Prana. Even modern medicine recognizes the healing power of meditation. Restoring vitality is one of the keys to good health and a long life,...
Part 2 of Interview with the Teachers: Zasep Tulku Rinpoche discusses how Buddhism can help with today’s problems; on how we should think of hell realms and reincarnation; and how to practice when you have so little time.
Buddha Weekly continues its special series “Interviews with the Teachers” with part 2 of an extensive hours-long interview with the most Venerable Zasep Tulku Rinpoche. Rinpoche is spiritual director of many temples, meditation centres and retreat centres in Australia, the United States and Canada and teaches also in Mexico and Mongolia. He is also...
The Scientific Buddhist — a Special Feature Series from Buddha Weekly
Buddha Weekly Special: Interviews with the Buddhist Teachers — Zasep Tulku Rinpoche
Buddha Weekly begins its special series "Interviews with the Teachers" with an extensive hours-long interview with the most Venerable Zasep Tulku Rinpoche. Rinpoche is spiritual director of many temples, meditation centres and retreat centres in Australia, the United States and Canada and teaches also in Mexico and Mongolia. He was first invited to...
Thich Nhat Hanh, the Great Buddhist Peacemaker, Honoured with Catholic Peace Award, recipient of the 2015 Pacem in Terris Peace and Freedom Award.
It may seem a little unusual for Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh to be honored by a Catholic annual award, particularly as the past recipients are notably populated by great Bishops, priests, monks and sisters, but anyone familiar with "Thay's" life would more likely react, What took so long? The mission of...
Empowering the Rural Buddhist: Tips for Remote Practice
Tips on How to Feel Empowered as a Rural Buddhist By Sarah Noel For anyone on a spiritual path, support is critical to our progress. The mind is an extremely deceptive companion that can quickly convince you that you have made great spiritual progress when in fact you can rapidly be heading...
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“We offer Thich our powerful collective energy”: People Around the World Hope for Fast Recovery for Renowned Buddhist Teacher Thich Nhat Hanh
"Our practice of stability and peace in this very moment is the best support we can offer to [Nhat Hanh]. Let us all around the world take refuge in our practice, going together as a river to offer [Thich] our powerful collective energy. We are all cells of the great Sangha Body...