Search Results: zasep tulku

The bridge between science and Buddhism, atoms and no atoms, theism and athiesm; Yidam deity meditation and the Cognitive Science of Tantra

"As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear-headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of the existence of consciousness."...
Read More about The bridge between science and Buddhism, atoms and no atoms, theism and athiesm; Yidam deity meditation and the Cognitive Science of Tantra

Having trouble focusing during meditation? Lack of sleep may be the issue; 70 million US adults suffer a sleep disorder

According to the American Sleep Association, 50-70 million US adults have a sleep disorder. This doesn't just result in poor performance at work, drowsy and dangerous driving, and major health issues — it may be preventing you from achieving meaningful realizations during meditation. Regardless of your style of meditation — mindfulness, breath...
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The role of meditation in mental health, depression, cognitive decline, delusional behavior and trauma: also, what to do when teachers fail in issues of ethics: interview with teacher Theodore Tsaousidis

Buddha Weekly Special Series "Interviews with the Teachers"
The role of meditation in mental health, depression, cognitive decline, delusional behavior and trauma: also, what to do when teachers fail in issues of ethics: interview with teacher Theodore Tsaousidis 1
In a hard-hitting, frank interview, Meditation teacher Theodore Tsaousidis — a well-known meditation teacher in Ontario — discusses the role of meditation in mental illness, cognitive decline, and general health. He points out, for example that clinical depression, delusional behavior...
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Twelve syllables of Medicine Buddha’s name represent his twelve great vows: Bhaisajya-guru-vidurya-prabha-raja — recite his Holy name as a mantra

By George Jones Bhaiṣajya-guru-vaiḍūrya-prabhā-rāja
Medicine Buddha and his mantra.
Twelve syllables of Medicine Buddha's name represent his twelve great vows: Bhaisajya-guru-vidurya-prabha-raja — recite his Holy name as a mantra 2
This is His full name in Sanskrit, the language of the sutras. Medicine Buddha, before He attained to Highest Enlightenment, made twelve vows for the benefit of all sentient beings. These twelve vows are connected to the twelve syllables...
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Heart Sutra: Why it’s My Favorite Sutra

“Form is empty; emptiness is form. Emptiness is not other than form; form also is not other than emptiness. Likewise, feeling, discrimination, compositional factors and consciousness are empty.” TADYATHA OM GATE GATE PARAGATE PARASAMGATE BODHI SVAHA By Guest Contributor James Porr   Anita Mui, much beloved, sings Heart Sutra. Anita, has since...
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