Search Results: zasep tulku

25th Lunar: Dakini Day and Ganachakra Tsog Ganapuja

Dakini Day, celebrated on the 25th day of each lunar month in Vajrayana Buddhist traditions, celebrates the feminine energy of wisdom. Dakinis also represent the "Activities" of the Buddhas. The most famous of the Dakinis are Mother Tara and Vajravarahi or Vajrayogini. Dakini Day and Tsog on the 25th of the Lunar...
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Dakini Days in 2024: Celebrating the Wisdom Activity of the Enlightened Dakinis

Dakini Day, celebrated on the 25th day of each lunar month in Vajrayana Buddhist traditions, celebrates the feminine energy of wisdom.  Dakini Day and Tsog on the 25th of the Lunar Month: January 6 February 5 March 5 April 4 May 3 July 1 and July 30 August 28 September 27 October...
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What are the nine benefits of mantras and how do they work? His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Garchen Rinpoche, Mingyur Rinpoche, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Geshe Tsultim Gyeltsen

Why are mantras so popular? What are the nine benefits of mantras? Why are mantras considered a complete practice? How do they work? What are they? This is a lot to cover, but with the help of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Kyabje Garchen Rinpoche, Mingyur Rinpoche, and Lama Zopa Rinpoche and...
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In what way are Buddhist deities real? What do the teachers and sutras tell us about the true nature of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

From the video on Hayagriva Buddha by Buddha Weekly, demonstrating self generation as the deity Hayagriva and consort Vajravarahi Vajrayogini.
In what way are Buddhist deities real? What do the teachers and sutras tell us about the true nature of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. 1
Are Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Yidams, and Deities real in the same relative way that we exist? Are they other? Are they neither? What do the Buddhist teachers tell us?...
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Is it easier to practice Buddhist meditations in our dreams? Enlightenment through Dream Yoga, is it possible?

"You should know all phenomena are like dreams." — Shakyamuni Buddha. Unless we are Yogis or Yoginis, the closest we are likely to come to an inciteful appreciation of Emptiness and the true nature of phenomenon might actually be our dreams. The first Karmapa attained Enlightenment with Dream Yoga. The conflicted "daytime"...
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Samantabhadra’s The King of Prayers is the ultimate Buddhist practice how-to and itself a complete practice

Why is the King of Prayers, the king? This prayer, recommended by many Mahayana teachers, is also translated as "The Extraordinary Aspiration of the Practice of Samantabhadra." Samantabhadra, Universal Good Bodhisattva, offers us the entire path to becoming a Bodhisattva, for the benefit of all sentient beings! It's literally, in modern terms,...
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Tsog dates 2023: Happy Dakini Day — Introducing the Wisdom of the Female Enlightened Dakinis

Dakini Day, celebrated on the 25th day of each lunar month in Vajrayana Buddhist traditions, celebrates the feminine energy of wisdom. (DATES FOR 2023 Tsog updated below.) Devoted Buddhists will celebrate with a Tsok (Tsog), a feast including food, singing, a group (or single) sadhana full of sound and celebration. The 10th...
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Simhamukha Dakini, the supremely ferocious remover of obstacles, Sengdongma, snow-lion-faced Dakini, whose roar defeats all negativities, curses, obstacles or evil forces

Why is Simhamukha, the Lion-Faced Dakini considered the "go to" practice in times of peril — especially any crushing supernatural or psychological threat. What is so special about her practice, that most lineages of Tibetan Buddhism turn to her practice in times of disaster, bad luck, illness, or any form of negative...
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Smorgasbord Vajrayana: visualizing countless mandalas — exploring the vast universe filled with Buddhas

It can seem like Vajrayana's approach to visualizing countless Buddhas and Bodhisattvas is a smorgasbord approach to Buddhism. This isn't as terrible a metaphor as it seems. For people with different tastes, a single menu meal may not be appetizing; the smorgasbord assures that everyone has something to "eat." The "food" in...
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Transforming all ten poisons with the skillful psychology of Buddhist Vajrayana — the creative approach to practice

The symbolism of Vajrayana spans every facet of life — and imagination — from the mundane, to love-making, to demon-slaying, to wrathful conquering. Every aspect of practice is expressed in visualization — in the vast expanse of imagination — rather than as two-dimensional words on a page.  The element of the practice...
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