Search Results: zasep tulku
Buddhist Home Retreat: What the Teachers Say About the Home Retreat Practice for Busy People Who Can’t Attend Extensive Retreats
Prominent Scientists Declare “All Non Human Animals… Are Conscious Beings.” The Dalai Lama Protests Chicken Slaughter. An Orangutan Won Non-Human Rights Over Zoo Keeper. What Do the Teachers Say About Non-Human Compassion?
A prominent international group of cognitive neuroscientists and other experts made a strong declaration, endorsed by Stephen Hawking, affirming that all "nonhuman animals... including octopuses" are sentient and feel emotions such as fear and happiness. In Argentina, an orangutan won non-human rights against his zoo-keeper. Recently, in the news, a monkey won...
Practice Overload and Too Many Commitments: Advice From the Teachers — Don’t Become a Spiritual Materialist
Practice overload in Vajrayana Buddhism can become a top-of-mind issue for devoted practitioners who collect many initiations. If you are feeling stressed over your commitments, if your practice is not satisfying because of "practice pressure," then "our practice becomes worse than paying tax to Uncle Sam," joked Gelek Rinpoche at a Vajrayogini...
Teaching Video Series: Featuring Talks from Noted Buddhist Teachers —— from Buddha Weekly
Please enjoy a "trailer" presenting our long anticipated video series "What the Teachers Say" from Buddha Weekly. The "What the Buddhist Teachers Say" written features are among our most popular. In the video series, we plan to supplement our longer written features with ten to fifteen minute "short teachings" from various teachers of different lineages....
Submit Your Topic for “What the Teachers Say” — Buddha Weekly Special Series: At Least Five Teachers Comment
Buddha Weekly Interviews the Teachers — Suggest Your Teacher
Following on the success of our immensely popular "What the Teachers Say" — where we pick a topic and ask five teachers for their views — Buddha Weekly announces a new series: "Interviews with the Teachers" an ongoing Buddha Weekly Special Series. To view stories in the "Interview with the Teachers" series,...
Namaste: Respect Overcomes Pride, a Universal Greeting, and a Sign of Reverence
To many Buddhists, "Namaste" is more than a commonly spoken greeting. It is not just a salutation, it's a sign of genuine respect and good will. More importantly, bowing to another helps us overcome the obstacle of pride, a major obstacle to Buddhist practice. The mudra Anjali, which is associated with "Namaste"—the hands...
Much More-Than-Six-Words of Advice — Mindfulness of Body; Anger; and Healing Through Meditation (Mahamudra Teachings Session 2)
"Don't recall, don't imagine, don't think, don't examine, don't control, rest," Tilopa's six word's of advice to Naropa, could be said to be an important concept for understanding Mahamudra.[1] By Lee Kane Tilopa's famous "six words of advice" was clearly a theme emphasized consistently throughout Zasep Tulku Rinpoche's wonderful introductory Mahamudra teachings in...
Why is Following a Guru Difficult to Accept in the West? Why is it Important for Vajrayana Practitioners to Find an Enlightened Teacher?
"We must rely on a wisdom teacher because, although we have Buddha nature, ultimate wisdom does not exist in our dualistic minds. Samsaric ego always tries to protect itself, and will trick us into thinking that we have gone beyond dualistic mind when we have not. Although we intrinsically have Buddha nature,...