Search Results: zasep tulku

Science: Research Indicates Vajrayana Meditation Techniques Involving Deity Visualization Improve Cognitive Performance and May Be Promising For Degenerative Brain Disorders

Science, and in particular the medical profession, has long accepted the positive benefits of many forms or meditation. Many studies across decades of research have proven meditation is simply good for the body—and your health. A study from the National University of Singapore, attempts to differentiate the relative benefits of different types...
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Mindfulness of Feelings Meditation: Overcoming Negative Feelings and Using Discriminating Alertness of Feelings in Your Practice: Mahamudra Teachings

"If You Don't Feel Anything, It Can Be a Problem" "Feelings are part of us," said Venerable Zasep Tulku Rinpoche, during a mini-retreat on Mahamudra and "mindfulness of feelings" in Owen Sound. "It's part of our life. Because we are sentient beings. We have a life. We have a body. We have...
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The Foundation Practice of Prostrations: Humble Bow, a Method to Connect with Buddha Nature; the Psychology of Buddhist Prostrations

Psychologically, in modern times, we resist the concept of the bow or prostration. It is considered demeaning. Even the very idea of "bowing" causes our pride to flare up. This is, in fact, its main purpose, at least as a foundation practice in Buddhism. To humble our pride. To trample on our...
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Why is Maha Rakta Ganapati recommended by some Buddhist Teachers as the remover of obstacles, the protector of prosperity?

Why is Maha Rakta Ganapati recommended by Buddhist Teachers as the remover of obstacles — the protector of prosperity? What makes Ganapati a spiritual superstar? Why is Ganesha so loved around the world? In Buddhism, what makes his practice unique and powerful? We answer these questions and more in this in-depth feature....
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Video: 21 Praises Tara Chanted Beautifully in English with Stunning Art by VV Sapar and Ben Christian

BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH 21 PRAISES TO TARA in equal beats with a lovely melody and stunning art by Ben Christian for Green Tara and V.V. Sapar for the 21 Taras. Praise to the Mantra: Homage to Tara the Swift and Courageous, You drive away all our fears with TUTTARE, Saviouress fulfilling all aims...
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Mother Tara’s many-armed protective embrace: 21 Taras according to Surya Gupta — with 8 videos and mantras and stunning art

There's something very precious and special about Tara, the protective Mother, adored by millions around the world. Her energy is, at its root, wisdom — the female Enlightened Buddha. Tara is as approachable as our own mothers. She embodies the same protective traits, but not just protector: like a mother, she is...
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Dog and Cat Dharma: Did Buddha Teach That Dogs and Cats Have Buddha Nature? How Can You Help Your Companion Meet the Dharma in Daily Life?

I saw a sparkling moment of real Doggy Dharma last weekend. At a Medicine Buddha retreat, a nice couple brought along their beloved 15 month-old pup. My kind teacher, Zasep Tulku Rinpoche, smiled as they lifted the pup for a blessing after the teachings. I had brought along my bell and vajra...
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A Wheel With Eight Spokes: Why Picking and Choosing “Beliefs” — or “Revisionist” Buddha Dhama — Can Obstruct Your Buddhist Practice

" The eightfold path is often represented as a wheel with eight spokes. Pick a wheel with just one or two and it won't take you very far." — Mark Vernon [13] "Some traditional Buddhist teachers tend to serve "Dharma-Lite" like "Coca-Cola Lite," rather than "the Real Thing" Dharma," said Alexander Berzin...
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Scientific Buddhist: Peer Reviewed Studies — Buddhist Metta Loving Kindness Meditation Can Slow Aging —10 Benefits of Compassion

In two recent Buddha Weekly advice videos, teacher Zasep Tulku Rinpoche explained that mindfulness meditation and loving-kindness meditations were among the best therapies for bereavement, stress, cognitive issues, memory loss, and even Alzheimer's. (Bereavement Video>> and Cognitive Video>>) Perhaps not surprisingly, peer-reviewed medical studies may corroborate this claim made by Buddhists for...
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An Introduction to the Stages of the Path: Atisha’s “A Lamp for the Path of Enlightenment” and “Foundation of All Good Qualities” by Lama Je Tsong Khapa

An Introduction to the Stages of the Path Teachings A little over a thousand years ago, a king in Tibet saw the decline of Buddhism in his homeland and decided to invite a great scholar from India, by the name of Atisha, to his country. When Atisha arrived in Tibet, he saw...
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