What the Teachers Say

Geshar of Ling

Fearless Buddhist: How to overcome fear in uncertain times, according to Pali Sutta, Mahayana Sutra and Tantra and King Gesar

Geshe Langri Thangpa.

Eight Verses of Training the Mind of Geshe Langri Tangpa — Complete Concise Path of the Bodhisattva


Tara the Windy Liberator, the Mother, the Activity Heroine: “Green Tara functions throughout our world” the activity of all the Enlightened Ones

Nagas emerging from a sacred lake, painting by Russian artist Nicholas Roerich.

Venerable Zasep Rinpoche Teaching: Buddhist Naga Practice is Helpful to Heal Environment — Full Sadhana Translated

Buddha Nature is often described as the sun behind the clouds. The sun is always there, even if you can't see it. But when the visual obstruction disappears, the sun shines.

Why Buddha Nature is one of the most important understandings in Mahayana Buddhism and why Tathagatagarbha Buddha Nature is not the soul

Buddha-Weekly-Zasep Rinpoche teaching Black Manjushri-Buddhism

Video: Healing Teacher-Guided Meditation & Mantras Black Manjushri: Zasep Rinpoche — especially recommended for Caronavirus and Cancers

Theodore Tsaousidis teaches at Medicine Buddha Toronto and the Mindulness Centre of Grey Bruce

Meditation retreat today is vital and precious and helps us have direct experience of “One Mind, One Body”: teacher Theodore Tsaousidis

The great yogi Shabkar.

Great Yogi Shabkar’s checklist for advanced practice: his teacher’s letter asks all the right questions

Venerable Zasep Rinpoche teaching at a Tara weekend using the commentary book, Tara in the Palm of Your Hand, as a reference.

Tara Book excerpt and teaching: Who is Tara and how can She help us? An introduction to Tara, Karma, Shunyata, Dependent Arising, and Buddha Nature by Venerable Zasep Tulku Rinpoche

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