Video: Healing Teacher-Guided Meditation & Mantras Black Manjushri: Zasep Rinpoche — especially recommended for Caronavirus and Cancers

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    In this Buddha Weekly teacher-guided video, Venerable Zasep Rinpoche recommends Black Manjushri to students for healing and protection, especially from Novel Coronavirus and other diseases, including cancer. Rinpoche guides us through the practice, visualization and mantras for this special healing practice treasured by Tibetan Buddhists — offering advice and commentary for both students who are initiated and those who are not (front visualization.) Chant along with Rinpoche, and visualize the blue healing light/energy of Black Manjushri. Rinpoche also explains when to visualize “Peaceful” Black Manjushri versus the more wrathful form.

    This is full 30-minute teaching, well-worth the full watch with commentary, guided visualization, wrathful versus peaceful imagery, mantra transmission (Rinpoche slowly says the mantra three times, you should repeat out loud), and then a short chant-along session with Rinpoche.

    Time index for “jumping to topics” below video.

    TIME INDEX for those jumping to specific areas:

    0-1:23 Title and credits and information
    1:24: Important medical disclaimer from Rinpoche: Rinpoche advises people to work with their health care providers.
    1:36: Rinpoche’s introduction to “Healing Practice of Black Manjushri” — “I feel this is an important practice right now… with Carona Nova Virus.”
    3:28: Black Manjushri Lineage explained: one of the “13 golden Dharmas of Shakya tradition.”
    4:17: Benefits with examples of past students who benefited from full recovery through Black Manjushri healing.
    5:09: Introducing differences in practice for people “with initiation” and “without initiation.”
    5:15: For people with initiation: Take Buddhist Refuge, Generate Bodhichitta, Four Immeasurables, then you visualize yourself as Black Manjushri, then do 7-limb practice (described in full detail later)
    6:04 “At your heart, you visualize Black Dhi syllable” — Dhi syllable and visualized healing light animated demonstration video.


    Buddha Weekly Black Hri syllable with blue healing light Buddhism
    Dhi syllable and animated light visualization from video.

    6:37 “Om Benz Samaja” or “Om Vajra Samaja” and visualization described.
    6:59 “How to practice if you do NOT have empowerment or initiation.” — visualize in front of you.

    7:48 Seven-Limb Practice in English.
    10:27 Guided visualization of Black Manjushri in front of you (no initiation).


    Buddha Weekly How to Pracie if you do NOT have empowerment Black Manjushri Buddhism

    12:12 When to visualize Peaceful or Wrathful Black Manjushri.
    13:41 Sometimes wrathful is necessary.
    14:30 Visualizing Peaceful Black Manjushri.


    Buddha Weekly Peaceful Black Manjushri Buddhism
    Peaceful Black Manjushri is seated with a slightly “stern” face. Some people feel more comfortable visualizing Peaceful Black Manjushri, especially if they’ve been traumatized. Wrathful visualization can feel more powerful — reinforced by the symbolism of activity and fierceness.

    17:25 Making offerings with mudras.
    18:05 How to recite the mantra of Black Manjushri (with mantra on screen.)


    Buddha Weekly Black Manjushri Mantra Buddhism
    Black Manjushri’s healing mantra.

    19:19 Chant mantra along with Rinpoche for healing (with text sub titles of mantra.)
    23:04 Mantras rules: not to fast, not to slow, not too loud, not to soft…
    23:38 Chanting for others for inspiration or healing.
    24:28 Visualizing yourself as Black Manjushri (only if initiated).


    Buddha Weekly Wrathful vs peaceful Black Manjushri Buddhism
    Rinpoche explains when to visualize Wrathful Black Manjushri. Wrathful conveys a symbolic sense of urgent, powerful energy.

    28:15 Demonstrating Kriya Tantra Offering Mudras.
    29:05 How to chant mantra and more chanting.


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    Lee Kane

    Author | Buddha Weekly

    Lee Kane is the editor of Buddha Weekly, since 2007. His main focuses as a writer are mindfulness techniques, meditation, Dharma and Sutra commentaries, Buddhist practices, international perspectives and traditions, Vajrayana, Mahayana, Zen. He also covers various events.
    Lee also contributes as a writer to various other online magazines and blogs.

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