New PODCAST! Guru Rinpoche Wish-Fulfilling Mantra 108 times — chanted by amazing Hrishi!

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    Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava’s Powerful Wish-Fulfilling Mantras — Protection, Prosperity, Healing!

    Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava’s mantra connects us with the Enlightened Padmasambhava. For centuries, it has been chanted for its spiritual and miraculous qualities. Bring the benefits of this short, beautiful mantra into your life.

    Chant along with us now, with the amazing Hrishikesh Sonar, 108 times!

    Answering a question to the Lady Tosgyal (as recorded by the Lady), Guru Rinpoche gave long teaching on the benefits of the mantra, which included:

    “It will protect from all negative forces of disease, famine, unrest, bad harvests and all bad omens in all countries of the world, so that there will be plenty of water for agriculture and for human and animal life, and all regions and the air will experience conditions of prosperity and good luck. Those who will practice this way will meet me again and again, in this life, in their future lives and in intermediate state between death and rebirth. It’s most easy to see me for those whose consciousness is awakened. Those with a lesser attainment I meet again and again in their dreams. Gradually moving towards perfection through various paths and stages of their practice, they will definitely reach the fullness of absolute awareness in my Pure Land in the continent of Ngayab. Have no doubt about it!” (So said the great Guru Rinpoche.) 


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    Lee Kane

    Author | Buddha Weekly

    Lee Kane is the editor of Buddha Weekly, since 2007. His main focuses as a writer are mindfulness techniques, meditation, Dharma and Sutra commentaries, Buddhist practices, international perspectives and traditions, Vajrayana, Mahayana, Zen. He also covers various events.
    Lee also contributes as a writer to various other online magazines and blogs.

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