Protector Puja Days


Dharma Protector Day


Dharma Protector Day


Dharma Protector Day


Dharma Protector Day

Black Mahakala

Dharma Protector Day

The fearsome power of great Vajrapani, who is always ready to "beat down" the obstacles to our practice.

Dharma Protector Day


Dharma Protector Day


Dharma Protector Day

Palden Lhamo, Shri Devi, is the fiercest of the fierce Protectors in Tibetan Buddhism. Like an enraged mother, She protects Her children. At the same time, she reminds us not be be attached to anything, even our own children.

Dharma Protector Day

Wrathful Palden Lhamo is the wrathful motherly protector in Buddhism.

Dharma Protector Day

Palden Lhamo's appearance is an iconographical treat, combining all the wrathful symbols of Tibetan Buddhism in one Supreme Mother Protector.

Dharma Protector Day

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