Amoghasiddhi Karma Buddha Concise Daily Practice with Mantra – Auspicious Activities of the Karma Family
9-Minute Daily Practice – Amoghasiddhi Buddha, with Chanted Mantras. Especially powerful on the 8th Lunar Day of each month, called SUPREME ACTIVITY DAY: Tara and Amoghasiddhi Day, on the First Quarter Moon Waxing.
This is part of our Concise Daily Practices series, with short, daily practices of many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Playlist here:
Or follow along with the CC captions or text below:
namo amoghasiddhi buddhayah
namo buddhaya guruve
namo dharmaya tayine.
namo samghaya mahate.
tribhyopi satatam namaha.
Homage to Amoghasiddhi Buddha
Homage to the Buddha, the Teacher
Homage to the Dharma, the Protector
Homage to the Great Sangha
To all of these I continually offer homage.
Next we state and imagine our 7 limbs of Amoghasiddhi Practice.
I go for refuge to Amoghasiddhi, the Buddhas, the Dharma and the Highest Assembly.
I declare every nonvirtuous act since beginningless time.
I rejoice in all virtues of holy and ordinary beings.
I will cultivate the Bodhichitta, to most effectively benefit all sentient beings.
Having generated the intention to take the Buddha’s path, I will care for all sentient beings as my guests.
I offer flowers, incense, light, fragrances, food, music and the like, both those actually arranged and those mentally imagined. Supreme gathering, please accept them.
For the great, supreme Karma family, I shall uphold purely each of the vows I am endowed with, and make as many offerings as I am able.
I will practice the ten perfections to overcome all obstacles, and cultivate the Bodhichitta.
I wish that all beings may have happiness and its causes.
May we never have suffering nor its causes.
May we constantly dwell in joy transcending sorrow.
May we dwell in equal love for both near and far.
Supreme merit field, please remain in Samsara and turn the Wheel of the Dharma of the greater and lesser vehicles, to benefit all sentient beings!
Appearances and existence, all phenomena of samsara and nirvana are empty by nature. Realizing this, within that state of emptiness, I visualize a glowing, illuminated Green ah syllable, on a shining lotus throne.
Green light, the activity of all the Buddhas, emanates from the ah syllable, going out as an offering to all the Enlightened Beings. The light purifies the karma of all sentient beings in the universe, blessing them.
The lights return and the ah syllable transforms into glorious Amoghasiddhi, Green in Color, seated upon a lotus and moon.
I see luminous Amoghasiddhi Buddha, the nature of light, peaceful and loving, the very essence of Bodhichitta activity. He is seated in the lotus posture, with his right hand up in the gesture of Fearlessness, the Mudra of Abhaya.
His left hand is on his lap in the gesture of meditative equipoise, and holding an upright Vishva Vajra, a double dorje, or a monk’s bowl.
At his heart is the Ah syllable, glowing green. From this syllable, once again lights go out to all of the universe, first out to his green Pureland, then to every Pureland of every Buddha and finally to all beings in samsara in every dimension and universe.
The sacred light of Amoghasiddhi’s blessings is an offering to all the Enlightened ones, and blesses all beings of Samsara.
Finally, recite the mantra as much as you can, while holding your visualization.
Om amoghasiddhi ah hum.
I dedicate the merit of this practice and offerings to the cause for Enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings.
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Lee Kane
Author | Buddha Weekly
Lee Kane is the editor of Buddha Weekly, since 2007. His main focuses as a writer are mindfulness techniques, meditation, Dharma and Sutra commentaries, Buddhist practices, international perspectives and traditions, Vajrayana, Mahayana, Zen. He also covers various events.
Lee also contributes as a writer to various other online magazines and blogs.