Research: Meditation Benefits Students With Enhanced Intelligence, Reduce Stress, Improved Academic Performance
Student life can be very demanding, but that doesn’t mean that students should let stress and anxiety take over. Sometimes college experience conjures up pictures of sleepless nights before exams, at other times – nonstop partying. Regardless, many students use college as an opportunity to explore a new, healthy lifestyle that they may not have been exposed to at home.
By Elizabeth Baldridge
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Many modern students practice meditation, as it offers numerous physical and mental health benefits that college kids desperately need. By incorporating meditation into daily life, students can not only reduce daily pressure but also improve their memory, concentration, grades, and ultimately their lives. We will explore the importance of meditation for students below.
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Benefits of meditation for students
It’s virtually impossible to discuss all benefits of meditation for humans in one sitting, so today we will mainly concentrate on the perks that it offers to students. Some of them are:
Enhance intelligence.
Studies show that those students who practice meditation usually show improved cognition and brain function, especially in aspects related to creative thinking, as well as practical intelligence and IQ.

Study-related stress reduction.
It is confirmed that students, who meditate daily for several months, notice a stable decrease in stress levels. They also report having improved concentration, better attention in class, and increased resistance to physical effects of stress on the body during exams.
Improved academic performance.
It is scientifically proven that students who practice meditation notice improvement in their grades. This healthy practice allows being calm, collected, and concentrated, which is a great mental state for studying.

Reduced susceptibility to addictions.
Daily meditation significantly reduces substance abuse problems and antisocial behavior for students as well as adults alike can even cure addiction. In many cases, meditation has proven to be more effective than traditional drug education and prevention programs.
Less absenteeism, better behavior.
College kids who enjoy meditation appear to show lower rates of absenteeism have fever incidents at school associated with bad behavior, lower rates of withdrawal from classes.
Happier, more confident students.
Meditation lovers commonly have better self-esteem, emotional control, mental stability, are more confident, well-equipped to deal with peer pressure, body issues, which allows them to feel happier and more content on a daily basis.

Physical health benefits.
Meditation is good for physical health as well as mental health. Regular practice of meditation helps maintain healthy blood pressure, increases gray matter (as well as inhibits the loss of brain gray matter during aging), enhances brain neuroplasticity, improves memory and concentration, boosts immunity, reduces the risk of heart attack, etc. It also helps relieve stress-related pains such as headaches, ulcers, insomnia, muscle, and joint pain. Those who practice meditation have more cerebral cortex folds – this allows the brain to process information faster, improve memory, attention, boosts decision-making.
Mental health benefits.
We already established that meditation has a positive effect on the brain. Numerous studies have shown that the amygdala, a part of the brain responsible for emotional responses, shrinks significantly after mediation. This leads to a fact that a person becomes more balanced and less sensitive to external stimuli. Meditation can reduce symptoms as well as effectively treat depression, panic attacks, stress, panic attacks, and other mental disorders. It reduces the level of lactate (lactic acid) in the blood, relieving anxiety attacks.
Improves personal characteristics
Practicing meditation is known to help people become more compassionate and enhance empathy. It also helps with developing imagination and an ability to visualize, which is very important in education. It also increases the production of serotonin, which is responsible for a good mood. Meditation allows having more energy by relieving emotional fatigue. It promotes better emotional stability, allows one to clear head and remain calm in any situation.
Gratifying results
Many people doubt that meditation has much practical use and consider it a waste of time, but they couldn’t be more wrong! Evidently, the benefits of meditation are overwhelmingly plentiful, which makes it a great practice to take up as a student, who deals with tremendous amounts of stress every day. We hope that our article gave you that extra push to try meditation for yourself!

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Elizabeth Baldridge
Author | Buddha Weekly
Elizabeth is a skilled and experienced writer, who likes sharing research results and comprehensive helpful information on topics her peers struggle with the most. Her writing is easy to follow due to her pleasant writing style and great storytelling abilities. Her experience as a writer allows her to share her advice on best writing service and other academic aid resources her readers can safely use. Elizabeth is partial to academic topics, as she spent two years teaching creative writing abroad. In her spare time, Elizabeth likes dancing and skiing.