Podcast: “In Praise of Tara” recited by Jason Espada, celebrating the Glorious Mother of the Buddhas

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    Jason Espada, well known for reciting sutras, discourses and commentaries, recites his Praise of Tara, a beautiful six minute praise.


    The full prayer: In Praise of Tara

    Holy Tara, Protector of living beings,
    May your blessings flow throughout all of our lives and by Your Compassionate Activity,
    may all the needs of all beings
    be completely fulfilled now
    Your beauty tames the minds of living beings.
    You draw all beings to yourself.
    Your virtue calms their fears and brings them all fresh happiness.
    You are the one who makes what seems to be the impossible entirely possible
    You conquer disbelief, and dispel doubt
    without leaving even a trace
    You are miraculous activity, beyond comprehension.
    You are ‘swift to regard’, quick to respond, the remover of obstacles.
    You are our protector
    You are grace and blessings,
    the relative and ultimate liberator of beings
    Your beauty inspires uprightness of moral character You pacify habit energy
    We shed our skins, lose our old ways,
    like leaves falling off of trees
    You bring new birth, and give new strength
    You purify the mind – like the stream-clearing jewel You uplift and brighten the mind
    For those with positive aims, You are their Great Benefactress

    You set all things right
    You bring about reconciliation without impediment without anything blocking it
    You bring harmony to every surrounding circumstance
    You help us to gather all positive conditions You bring out the best that is in us all
    You make all practices effective
    It has always been this way
    It is this way now
    It will always be this way
    You are the spring-like feeling of ‘yes’, the sum of all optimism,
    joyful positive energy,
    the feeling of ‘I can’
    May your blessings completely illuminate all of our lives and may all the needs of all beings
    be completely fulfilled now
    O, Bright Virtue!
    You are light
    You are grace in my life
    and subtle nourishment
    The blessing of all the women who have ever wished me well
    You are instinctive love, all-accommodating naturally inclusive comprehensive
    You are embodied enlightened intelligence, intuitive awareness, the heart awake,
    and the flourishing of joy
    You are playful, youthful, joyful, quick, charming, elegant, inspiring, wise, warm, strengthening, encouraging, healing,
    calming, stabilizing;

    How can I call you? Tara – hope, positive energy, joyful, pure, wholesome energy
    With your rivers
    nurture my limbs, these fields
    With your warmth, your light
    bring about the total flowering of goodness…
    May your blessings be established in all of our lives
    Because this is Divine Feminine energy, quick to respond with magical activity,
    the equivalent of the patron saint of lost causes,
    spiritual beauty bringing light, giving hope, removing obstacles,
    calming fear, pacifying suffering,
    and protecting
    bringing harmony to every surrounding circumstance, bringing life, health, happiness, good fortune, and stability
    and, being the Spring-like sum of all optimism, inspiring, positive energy,
    enabling all the good things we would do to become effective, to become fulfilled,
    to become complete, this is called Green Tara
    May all share in these blessings.
    By Jason Espada

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    Lee Kane

    Author | Buddha Weekly

    Lee Kane is the editor of Buddha Weekly, since 2007. His main focuses as a writer are mindfulness techniques, meditation, Dharma and Sutra commentaries, Buddhist practices, international perspectives and traditions, Vajrayana, Mahayana, Zen. He also covers various events.
    Lee also contributes as a writer to various other online magazines and blogs.

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