Search Results: zasep tulku

Top 7 Buddhist Ideas for You to Develop Inner Transcendent Peace: Buddha Nature, Six Paramitas, Mindfulness and More

In our modern world, inner peace is elusive. Here are seven ideas inspired by Buddhist practices and teachings that can help you find inner peace, de-stress, and potentially transform your life. Shakyamuni Buddha taught more than 2500 years ago, that the secret to our inner peace — and ultimately our realizations on...
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Ghosts, Nagas, Demons and Duality: Are Supernatural Beings Cogenerated, Illusory, Dream or Ultimately Real?

One of the main obstacles to discussing phenomena such as ghosts, demons, gods, nagas, or any other supernatural thing is that our current secular rationalist paradigm only understands or allows for one analytical framework of explanation. It positions internal hallucinations or projections, a.k.a. fantasies, or conversely materially measurable phenomenon a.k.a "reality" as...
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Youthful Manjushri: the flowering of wisdom; the gentle Buddha who cuts through ignorance with his flaming sword

Of all the Buddhist meditational deities — and, of all the Bodhisattvas we meet in the sutras — the overwhelming feeling with Manjushri is “gentle wisdom” and “gentle friend.” We feel warm, comforted, and supported in the youthful arms of Manjushri. More importantly, we receive the gentle wisdom we need to progress...
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“Dharma in motion”: Buddhism, Vajrayana Buddhist Tantra and Zen have as much in common with martial arts as religion?

Premise: Buddhism, Vajrayana Tantra and Zen have as much in common with martial arts as it does with religion. Second Premise: Martial arts skills are helpful to meditators and helps develop practice discipline. That may seem like an absurd or frivolous statement, but there's a core truth in there. Buddha himself focused...
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What’s so special about Hayagriva? In difficult times the wrathful Heruka emanation of Amitabha is an important Buddhist practice

"Whoever, including even the insects, has heard the name and mantra of Hayagriva only one time will never again fall into the lower paths." — Sutra of Forming Hayagriva [6] Supreme Mantra of Hayagriva chanted The Supreme Mantra of Hayagriva chanted in the original transmitted language of Sanskrit 108 Times (for details...
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Why is “lineage art” important? Distinguishing Nepali and Tibetan lineage Thangkas: style, media, symbolic differences, “fake” and genuine

Thangka sacred art is important to practicing Buddhists for meditation and devotion, but it is also a thriving collector marketplace. Contributing author Erica Gibson helps you identify the styles, media and source of Thangka art in this helpful how-to feature. The Dalia Lama said, “All the elements of a Tibetan religious painting...
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8 Rights: The Noble Eightfold Path — the Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching

The Noble Eightfold Path distinguishes itself from many teachings in its positive, affirmative nature. Many spiritual teachings consist of dont's: don't do this, don't do that. The Noble Eightfold Path speaks in positive, warm terms. Implied within the concept of "right" might be its opposite — "wrongs" — but Buddha taught self-empowerment,...
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How Your Spirituality and Buddhist Refuge Can Impact Your Health — a Buddhist Approach to Healthy Faith

Numerous medical research studies support the concept that faith and spirituality are "good for your health." Although many mistake one for the other — and they have some things in common — faith and spirituality are quite different. They both contain the idea of developing a relationship with a higher understanding or...
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A Simple Step-by-step Mindfulness Meditation Guide

The benefits and virtues of mindfulness are well established. Today, more than ever, finding a way to calm your inner world and reaching a state of peace is essential. What bothers most people attempting mindfulness as a practice is the lack of an immediate result. Persisting with the routine and learning as...
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Buddha on Dharma Prayer Wheels: “defilements will be purified and the face of the deity will appear”; Guru Rinpoche: you will “be able to attain mystic powers…”

It's unlikely you'll be levitating off the ground any time soon — even if you undertake millions of prayer wheel spins — so what did the great Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava mean when he wrote: you will "be able to attain mystic powers... eliminate immeasurable karmic obscurations" in teachings on Prayer Wheels? We...
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