Chanted Praise to the 21 Taras in Sacred Sanskrit sung by Hrishikesh Sonar!
The 21 Praises to Tara are famous for blessing activity, protection, healing, long-life practice and wish-fulfillment. Tara, the Mother of the Buddhas, emanates in countless forms to help suffering beings in our troubled world. Each of these forms specializes in one of these Enlightened activities: the various White Taras for peaceful activity, the Red Taras for magnetizing and enchanting, the Yellow Taras for auspiciousness and wish-fulfilment, and the Black Taras for wrathful power to overcome evil or negative forces and obstacles.
Transcript and sing-along text
Sanskrit Praise chanted by
Hrishikesh Sonar
for Buddha Weekly
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Chanting Tara’s Praises daily — especially in the original Sanskrit — is a practice recommended by countless Buddhist teachers. Shakyamuni Buddha taught the 21 Praises originally in Sacred Sanskrit. Chanting the praise with the original Sanskrit vowels of Buddha is important as an empowering method, energizing the sounds with mantra and seed syllable vibrations.
Sing along now, with the amazing Hrishikesh Sonar, created on behalf of Buddha Weekly. profound praise sung in the Mother language Sanskrit.
Bring the blessings and protection of Mother Tara into your life with this sacred and profound praise sung in the Mother language Sanskrit. Visualize the 21 Taras — here presented through the art of Niels Petersen, according to the ancient lineage of Surya Gupta, as taught in the books Tara in the Palm of Your Hand, and Tara at Your Lotus Heart by Venerable Zasep Rinpoche.
Sanskrit for chant-along
om namo bhagavatyai āryaśrī ekaviṃśati tārāyai
namastāre ture vīre
tuttāre bhayanāśini
ture sarvārthade tāre
svāhākāre namo’stute
1st Tara
namastāre ture vīre
kṣaṇa dyuti nibhekṣaṇe
trailokya nātha vaktrābja
vikasat kesarodbhave
2nd Tara
namaḥ śata śaraccandra
sampūrṇa paṭalānane
tārā sahasra nikara prahasat
3rd Tara
namaḥ kanaka nīlābja-pāṇi
padma vibhūṣite
dāna vīrya tapaḥ śānti titikṣā
dhyāna gocare
4th Tara
namas tathāga toṣṇīṣa
vijayā nanta cāriṇi
aśeṣa pāramitā prāpta
jina putra niṣevite
5th Tara
namas tuttāra huṅkāra
pūritāśā digantare
saptaloka kramākrānt niḥśeṣ
ākarṣaṇa kṣame
6th Tara
namaḥ śakrā nala brahma
marud viśveśvar ārcite,
bhūta vetāla gandharva gaṇa
yakṣa puraskṛte
7th Tara
namastriḍiti phaṭkāra
parayantra pramardini
pratyālīḍha padanyāse
śikhi jvālā kulojjvale
8th Tara
namasture mahāghore
māra vīra vināśini
bhṛkuṭī kṛta vaktrābja
sarva śatru niṣūdini
9th Tara
namastrīratna mudrāṅka
hṛdayāṅguli vibhūṣite
bhūṣitā śeṣa dikcakra
10th Tara
namaḥ pramuditoddīpta
mukuṭākṣipta mālini
hasat prahasat tuttāre
māra loka vaśaṅkari
11th Tara
namaḥ samasta bhūpāla
patal ākarṣaṇa kṣame
calada bhṛkuṭi hūṃkāra
sarvāpada vimocini
12th Tara
namaḥ śīkhaṇḍa-khaṇḍendu
mukuṭā bharaṇoj-jvale
13th Tara
namaḥ kalpānta huta bhuga
jvālā mālāntara sthite
ālīḍha muditābaddha
ripu cakra vināśini
14th Tara
namaḥ karatalā ghāta
ćaraṇa hatabhūtale
bhṛkuṭī kṛta hūṃkāra
sapta pātāla bhedini
15th Tara
namaḥ śive śubhe śānte
śānta nirvāṇa gocare,
svāhā praṇava saṃyukte
mahā pātaka nāśini
16th Tara
namaḥ pramuditābaddha
ripu-gātra prabhedini
daśākṣara pada-nyāse
17th Tara
namas ture pādaghāta
hūṃkārākāra bījite
meru mandharva vindhyaśca
bhuvana trayacālini
18th Tara
namaḥ sureśarākāra
hariṇāṅka kara sthite
tārā dvirukta phaṭkāra
aśeṣa viṣa nāśini
19th Tara
namaḥ sura gaṇā dhyakṣa
sura kinnara sevite
ābaddha muditābhoga
kari duḥ svapna nāśini
20th Tara
namaś candrārka sampūrṇa
nayana dyuti bhāsvare
hara dvirukta tut-tāre
viṣama jvara nāśini
21st Tara
nama stritat tvavi nyāse
śiva-śakti samanvite
graha vetāla yakṣa gaṇa
nāśini pravare ture
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Lee Kane
Author | Buddha Weekly
Lee Kane is the editor of Buddha Weekly, since 2007. His main focuses as a writer are mindfulness techniques, meditation, Dharma and Sutra commentaries, Buddhist practices, international perspectives and traditions, Vajrayana, Mahayana, Zen. He also covers various events.
Lee also contributes as a writer to various other online magazines and blogs.