Trevor McDonald | Author

Trevor McDonald is a freelance writer, avid yogi and writes extensively about recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction. He has been in recovery and sober for over five years. Since his recovery began, he has enjoyed using his talent for words to help spread treatment resources, addiction awareness and general health knowledge.

Six ways to focus the mind: Metta, mindfulness, breath, progressive, transcendental, or Zazen

Our society is rife with stress, competition, fear, and commercialism – yet we're at a time when spirituality has become a buzzword. On one hand, there’s definitely an increased need for spiritualism in a stressful environment, but there ...

Mantras can take meditation to the next level: empowering mantras to shift your mindset and improve your life

If you’re looking to take your meditation practice to the next level, mantras can definitely help. But don’t get the wrong idea. This isn’t about speaking. It’s not even so much about what you say, although it helps ...

Improving your meditation by cleansing your environment, purging technology, and de-cluttering your space and mind

One of the greatest things about meditation, aside from the well-studied health benefits, is that you can practice anywhere or at any time. But even though that is true, there are some conditions that are more suitable for ...

Reflecting on Reflection: Moments Where Meditation Saved Me

Whenever I talk to anyone new about meditation, I usually get the same reaction. They’ve heard enough about meditation to know it can have a positive impact, but they haven’t been motivated enough to sit for meditation consistently. ...

Why it can be a struggle to practice meditation regularly — and tips for overcoming the obstacles

You've probably heard about the many benefits of meditation, which drives many people to set the intention to meditate. But intending and doing are two different things. Meditation is almost always a struggle when you’re first developing your ...
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