9 Enlightened Padma Deities, Wangdu Cloud of Blessings: Wish-Fulfilling Prayer

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    A lovely under-7-minute recitation in English of the great Wangdu, the Great Cloud of Blessings, the practice of the 9 Enlightened Deities of the Lotus Family, together here with Refuge, Bodhichitta, and 7 Limbs of Practice.

    This is a mind terma of Jamgön Mipham Rinpoche. According to Jamgön Mipham Rinpoche the benefits are:

    “Anyone who prays in this way will, without any doubt, accomplish all magnetizing activities exactly according to their wishes.”

    Video Recitation (tun on CC to chant-along):

    (TURN ON CC Subtitles to chant-along)

    NO EMPOWERMENT is REQUIRED as a prayer of praise and merit-accumulation, with frontal visualizations (the merit field is in front of you.)


    “Anyone who prays in this way will, without any doubt, accomplish all magnetizing activities exactly according to their wishes.”

    I prostrate and go for refuge until I am enlightened to the Buddha, the Dharma, and the supreme assembly.By the merit that I create from giving and other perfections, may I attain the state of Enlightenment to benefit all sentient beings.

    ‘I prostrate and go for refuge until I am enlightened to the Buddha, the Dharma, and the supreme assembly.By the merit that I create from giving and other perfections, may I attain the state of Enlightenment to benefit all sentient beings.

    I prostrate and go for refuge until I am enlightened to the Buddha, the Dharma, and the supreme assembly.By the merit that I create from giving and other perfections, may I attain the state of Enlightenment to benefit all sentient beings.

    I declare every nonvirtuous act since beginningless time.

    I rejoice in all virtues of holy and ordinary beings.

    I will cultivate the Bodhichitta, to most effectively benefit all sentient beings.

    Having generated the intention to take the Buddha’s path, I will care for all sentient beings as my guests.

    I offer flowers, incense, light, fragrances, food, music and the like, both those actually arranged and those mentally imagined.

    Supreme gathering, please accept them.

    I will in this way cultivate Bodhichitta, the intention to become Enlightened for the benefit of all sentient beings.

    May all beings have happiness and its causes.

    May all beings be free from suffering and its causes.

    May all beings constantly dwell in joy transcending sorrow.

    May all beings dwell in equal love for both near and far.

    Supreme merit field, please remain in Samsara and turn the Wheel of the Dharma to benefit all sentient beings!

    Oṃ āḥ hūṃ hrīḥ. In the palace of power, the blazing of great bliss, are the embodiments of the wisdom of discernment, union of bliss and emptiness.

    Each on a lotus, its nature bliss free from all attachment, and the splendour of a great, illuminating vajra sun—

    Dharmakaya Amitābha and Vajradharma;

    Avalokiteshvara the Lord of the World, the very manifestation of compassion;

    Padmaraja, all of saṃsāra and nirvāṇa beneath your control;

    Hayagriva Heruka, subjugator of all that appears and exists;

    ‘Secret Wisdom’ Guhyajnana and Vajravarahi;

    Chakrasamvara, King of Desire, ecstasy supreme, source of the wisdom of great bliss;

    Kurukullā, who captivates the mind of every living being without exception;

    Masters and mistresses of supreme and ordinary mudrās, dancing in bliss and emptiness;

    Hosts of vajra ḍakas and ḍakinis attract and magnetize.

    Remaining always within the state of great equality of appearance and emptiness;

    With the dance of your vajra body, you cause the three planes of existence to tremble;

    With the sound of your laughter, your unceasing enlightened speech, you draw in the three worlds;

    Rays of red light burst out to fill all of saṃsāra and nirvāṇa;

    And cause the vital essence of conditioned existence and ultimate peace to vibrate and be gathered in.

    With your enlightened mind of great vajra passion;

    You grant the supreme of all things desired—the two kinds of siddhis;

    And with your great vajra hooks and lassos;

    You bind the world of appearance and existence in great bliss;

    Dancers in the play of the limitless net of illusion;

    Who fill space to overflowing, like a vast outpouring of sesame seeds;

    Vast array of the Three Roots, hosts of magnetizing deities;

    In devotion we pray to you: inspire us with your blessings;

    Grant us attainments, ordinary and supreme, and so the siddhi;

    Of magnetizing, without obstruction, whatever we desire!

    We dedicate the merit of this prayer to the benefit of all sentient beings.



    For a full video about the Wangdu Cloud of Blessings, see our introduction video : 


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    Lee Kane

    Author | Buddha Weekly

    Lee Kane is the editor of Buddha Weekly, since 2007. His main focuses as a writer are mindfulness techniques, meditation, Dharma and Sutra commentaries, Buddhist practices, international perspectives and traditions, Vajrayana, Mahayana, Zen. He also covers various events.
    Lee also contributes as a writer to various other online magazines and blogs.

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