Video: Manjushri Wisdom Mantra 1 Hour: Enhances Cognition and Memory Chanted Beautifully in Sanskrit

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    Manjushri (Sanskrit: मञ्जुश्री, romanized: Mañjuśrī) is the Buddha of wisdom and Lord of Speech, and has long been associated with memory, speech and wisdom.

    The Fifth Dalai Lama recommended the practice, and His Holiness wrote the practice sadhana “Practice to Receive the Seven Types of Wisdom.”



    His mantra is the first taught in monasteries to purify speech and mind prior to other practices.

    His mantra is

    Om Ah Ra Pa Cha Nha Dhi

    His mantra, the famous Arapachana mantra, is well-known for cognitive, memory, and wisdom enhancement anecdotally from teachers through the centuries, but now a remarkable study from researcher Dr. Deepika Chamoli Shahi has been published by the Amity University that demonstrated enhanced “cognitive functions to a significant degree” among students in a published study. Read more here>>

    In the final conclusion from the “summary of findings,” the findings reported:

    “This research has proven that the orange Manjushree (sic) mantra is able to enhance various cognitive functions like concrete performance task, originality in creativity and perceptual reasoning to a much greater extent than the non-spiritual tongue twister.”

    (The idea of the non-spiritual tongue twister was as a “control” in the test. 180 subjects (falling in the age group of 8-13 years) are studied and assessed (45 subjects at each altitude), after which they tested “perceptual reasoning, processing speed index, creativity, and other factors.”

    From the report:

    “The statistics reveals higher level cognitive functions (bloom’s taxonomy) are enhanced more with tongue twister practice as compared to lower altitudes. Also spiritual tongue twister (Orange Manjushree mantra) is able to enhance cognitive functions to significant level. Spiritual tongue twister (Orange Manjushree mantra) practice with understanding of the meaning is more effective than the spiritual tongue twister (mantra) practice without understanding of meaning. ”

    This indicates the mantra is effective for people of any belief or faith.

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    Lee Kane

    Author | Buddha Weekly

    Lee Kane is the editor of Buddha Weekly, since 2007. His main focuses as a writer are mindfulness techniques, meditation, Dharma and Sutra commentaries, Buddhist practices, international perspectives and traditions, Vajrayana, Mahayana, Zen. He also covers various events.
    Lee also contributes as a writer to various other online magazines and blogs.

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