Video: Ekajati Blue Tara Mantra 1 Hour Supremely Powerful Protection and Wish-Granting

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    Ekajati is one of Mother Tara’s most supremely wrathful forms. She is famous for her fierce protection from dangers, obstacles, and demons, her wish-granting powers, and her role as a Wisdom Mother. She is also, in her Blue Form, a supreme healer.

    She is associated with Blue Tara or Black Tara, and in the Surya Gupta Lineage of 21 Taras — which is the source of this particular mantra — she is the great Protector of the Merit Field of Taras. (Blue and Black are the same family, the Vajra Family, and is like the color of “space and emptiness.)

    The mantra from the Surya Gupta lineage is:

    Om Ekajati Hum Svaha

    Here, chanted by the amazing Yoko Dharma, in the Surya Gupta lineage style, as transmitted by Tara to the great Mahasiddha Surya Gupta. The lineages included: Tara Mulakalpa Tantra Lineage: Shakyamuni Buddha, Vajrapani, Hayapala, Hayaghosha, Rahulabhadra (Saraha), Nagarjuna, Aryadeva, Rahulabhadra the Younger, Jvalashespa, Dharma Bhadra Pala, Nagamitra, Suryagupta, after which it was brought to Tibet.

    Ekajati has different appearances in different lineages. Primarily blue (or black — in Tibetan Buddhism they are the same family), from the Vajra family, she is either wrathful or semi-wrathful. In her most wrathful form, as a great Enlightened protectress she has one tooth and one eye and one plait of hair. (If she has only one eye, it is the open wisdom eye.)

    In the Surya Gupta form she is blue and wrathful but has three eyes. and sits on a sundisc in a pose like Tara with one leg outstretched. There is also a red form. Each may have different mantras. This particular mantra is from the Surya Gupta lineage of 21 Taras. All forms are still Ekajati and all are ultimately wrathful emanations of Tara.

    PERMISSION IS NOT REQUIRED for this mantra although it is beneficial to ask your teacher for lung (transmission) when the opportunity arises. However, the mantra is efficacious for those with faith, regardless.

    The mantra is available for download on Yoko Dharma’s music website: ARTWORK


    Neils Peterson, artist


    Enlightenment Thangka


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    Lee Kane

    Author | Buddha Weekly

    Lee Kane is the editor of Buddha Weekly, since 2007. His main focuses as a writer are mindfulness techniques, meditation, Dharma and Sutra commentaries, Buddhist practices, international perspectives and traditions, Vajrayana, Mahayana, Zen. He also covers various events.
    Lee also contributes as a writer to various other online magazines and blogs.

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