Video Dharma Recitation: Tara, Giver of Peace, Read by Jason Espada, ends in Tara Mantra Chanting

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    New Video on our YouTube Channel! Tara, Giver of Peace, Dharma Reading plus Yoko Dharma
    singing the Tara mantra:

    Tara Giver of Peace Prayer


    Mothers pray to you

    and children pray to you

    Merchants pray to you

    and travelers pray to you

    Doctors, and lawyers and judges pray to you

    the innocent pray to you

    and the guilty pray to you

    Students and scholars pray to you

    Artists pray to you

    the dull and the brilliant pray to you,

    the humble and the proud

    married people pray to you

    and single people pray to you

    those who are sick

    and those who are healthy pray to you

    healers pray to you

    and those with a loved one in need

    pray to you

    kings and street sweepers pray to you

    the living and the dying pray to you

    the wealthy and the destitute pray to you

    the young and the old,

    the high and the low

    all reach out their hands to you

    all turn to you,

    as their closest protector, guide and refuge,

    as their benefactress in times of need,

    and they turn to you in gratitude

    as their patroness in times of success

    All these prayers you hear

    and you respond in visible and in invisible ways –

    ways beyond the scope of ordinary conception

    Although you are the most exalted one,

    we run to you in total trust and confidence

    like a child to a parent

    going with total trust,

    like a favored one

    into the presence of an enlightened ruler

    we go to you,

    and rest

    we are sheltered by you

    cared for

    and protected

    And though your name can be said simply

    and your divine qualities can be so easily known,

    the depth of your wisdom, compassion, and activity,

    is such

    that lifetimes of study and practice,

    until we ourselves become more like you,

    are just a beginning, in truth

    and so our everyday appeals

    are for more simple things

    we ask:

    O Tara, Joy of the World,

    let your presence be more fully known by us

    clear away whatever obstacles there may be

    and let the light, comfort and inspiration that you are

    be known ever more fully by us now

    pacify suffering conditions

    and help us to live well

    encourage us to outdo

    what we thought was possible before

    stabilize whatever we have now

    of health, virtue,

    wisdom and good fortune,

    and increase, to meet our needs,

    whatever we may lack

    O Glorious Tara,

    hope of the world,

    to you we all pray,

    May your blessings be upon us all,

    so that we can, each one of us, achieve our aims,

    and peace,

    and fulfillment



    Chanted by Yoko Dharma.

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    Lee Kane

    Author | Buddha Weekly

    Lee Kane is the editor of Buddha Weekly, since 2007. His main focuses as a writer are mindfulness techniques, meditation, Dharma and Sutra commentaries, Buddhist practices, international perspectives and traditions, Vajrayana, Mahayana, Zen. He also covers various events.
    Lee also contributes as a writer to various other online magazines and blogs.

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