Podcast: Green Tara Practice: Jason Espada recites the Song of Longing for Tara prayer with 21 Taras Praise in English

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    Jason Espada soothingly recites the Song of Longing for Tara prayer, relied on by millions as a daily practice. After the beautiful recitation — recommended to be recited twice a day — Hrishikesh Sonar chants the 21 Praises to Tara in a beautiful English chant! (Total listen time 20 minutes)


    In Mahayana Buddhism, Green Tara is the Mother of all the Buddhas. She is the Buddha of the “heart.” Her practice releases us from all fears and dangers.
    While all the Buddhas can be seen as Oneness and Omniscient — and therefore practicing one Buddha can be seen as practicing all Buddhas [pause x-strong] there is something precious, personal and wondrous about the Wisdom Compassion Buddha, Noble Green Tara.

    The Song of Longing for Tara is a core prayer and practice, recited by millions for its benefits. Listen now, as Jason Espada recites the Song of Longing for Tara, and follow along with your own recitation using the script in the description. This song not only praises Tara, but it is also a teaching. Who is Tara? What are her benefits? Why is she special in modern times? Practice this twice a day, together with the 21 Praises to Tara to bring the blessings and protection of Mother Buddha Tara in to your life. At the end of Jason’s recitation, listen on as Hrishikesh Sonar chants the 21 Praises to Tara in English.

    If you enjoy this presentation please see our other videos and podcasts at Buddha Weekly.com Buddha Weekly — Helping to Spread the Dharma.

    Text for Chanting

    Here follows the prose poem by Losang Tenpe Gyaltsen:

    A Song of Longing for Tara, the Infallible, by Lama Lobsang Tenpey Gyaltsen

    From my heart I bow to Divine Mother Tara, essence of love and compassion, the most precious objects of refuge gathered into one. From now until I reach enlightenment, hook me with your great love and kindness to liberate me.

    By the witness of the Three Jewels, not just from my mouth but from the depths of my innermost heart and bones, I pray to you morning and evening. Show your blissful face to me, Loving One. Grant me the nectar of your speech.

    Great gurus and small gurus cheat us with their made-up teachings, selling Dharma, teaching without comprehension, not observing who is qualified and who is not, being concerned about their own happiness and the eight worldly concerns. Since I can no longer trust friends of this degenerate age, you are my principal guru. Inspire me, Divine Mother, essence of love. Arouse the great power of your compassion and think of me.

    I take refuge in you, Tara; like you, no Buddha could ever deceive me. But understanding the odd character of these times, most Buddhas have gone into the bliss of nirvana. Even though they have great compassion, we have no connection. Since for me there are no other deities, you are my principal deity. Bestow realizations upon me, Divine Mother, essence of love, arouse the great power of your compassion and think of me.

    Most Dharma protectors do not show their powers. Tired of those who invoke them, they do not act. Other protectors, lacking insight but proud of their power, may be friendly for a while but will later do me harm. Since I cannot rely on other protectors, you are my principal protector. With divine action, Wisdom Mother, essence of love, arouse the great power of your compassion and think of me.

    To ordinary view the names of objects are the same as their meaning. Like this, they produce afflictions and bind us to samsara. When it is time to die, unless I understand the true nature, could a wish-fulfilling gem enable me to carry even a sesame seed with me? Since I do not trust in illusions, you are my real richness. Please grant my desires, Divine Mother, essence of love. Arouse the great power of your compassion and think of me.

    I cannot rely on non-virtuous friends for even a day. They pretend to be close to me and all the while they have in mind the opposite. They are friends when they wish it and enemies when they don’t. Since I cannot trust in this kind of friend, you are my best friend. Be close to me, Divine Mother, essence of love. Arouse the great power of your compassion and think of me.

    You are my guru, my yidam, my protector, my refuge, my food, my clothes, my possessions, and my friend. Since your divine quality is everything to me, let me spontaneously achieve all that I wish.

    Although I am overwhelmed by my habitual, uncontrolled mind, please cut off these self-centered thoughts so I will be able to give my body and my life millions of times without difficulty to each sentient being. Inspire me to be able to develop this kind of compassion to benefit all.

    Empower me to cut the root of samsara, self-grasping, and to understand the pure doctrine, the most difficult Middle Way, free from the errors of extremes.

    Inspire me to practice as a bodhisattva, turning away from what is worldly, dedicating all my virtues to teaching living beings, never for even one instant thinking of just my own happiness. Let me wish to attain Buddhahood for the benefit of all. Empower me to actualize as much as possible the most subtle vows and to keep them without a careless mind, thus becoming the most perfect bodhisattva.

    Outwardly, let me be simple in my practice, while inwardly, actualize the depth of the diamond vehicle with the strong wish to practice the two stages. Inspire me to attain enlightenment quickly for the benefit of all.

    Divine Wisdom Mother Tara, you know everything about my life- my ups and downs, my good and bad. Think lovingly of me, my only mother.

    I give myself and all who trust in me to you, Divine Wisdom Mother Tara. Being completely open to you, let us be born in the highest pure land. Set me there quickly with no births in between.

    May the hook of your compassion and your skillful means transform my mind into Dharma and transform the minds of all beings, whoever they are. They have all been my mother, the mother of one unable to follow the Conqueror’s teachings.

    By reciting this prayer three times a day and by remembering the Divine Wisdom Mother Tara, may I and all beings who are connected to me reach whatever pure land we wish.

    May the Three Jewels and especially the Divine Wisdom Mother, whose essence is compassion, hold me dear until I reach enlightenment.

    May I quickly conquer the four negative forces.

    If, as long as you live, you recite this prayer three times every day, not just from the mouth (in words only) but strongly linked with your mind, you will have close connection and will see Tara’s face. No hindrances will be experienced and all wishes will be fulfilled. You will have a close relationship with all Buddhas and bodhisattvas, and they will hold you dear. If you recite the ‘Homage to the Twenty-one Taras’ and this prayer, you will attain the Divine Liberating Mother.

    Colophon: This prayer to Venerable Tara, in heart words making his own requests and also non-deceptive to others, was composed by the Buddhist monk Lobsang Tenpey Gyaltsen, in his nineteenth year, the Water Mouse year (1852), on the third day of the miracle month (second month of the lunar calendar) at Bengar Namgyal Ling. It is sure to have great benefit.

    21 Praises (chanted musically):

    Mantra of Tara

    Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha

    Introductory praise to the mantra:

    Homage to Tara the Swift and Courageous,

    You drive away all our fears with TUTTARE,

    Saviouress fulfilling all aims with TURE,

    With syllables SVAHA, we offer homage.

    1. Heroic Red Tara
    Homage to You, the Swift One, the Heroine,
    Your gaze is as quick as flashes of lightning
    Who arose from the majestic carolla
    From the Lotus face of the Lord of Three Worlds.

    2. Moonlight White Tara

    Homage to You with a face that resembles
    The gathering of one hundred autumn full moons
    And who with the brightness of stars by the thousands
    Shines in a vast perfect light of resplendence.

    3. Golden Color Tara

    Homage to You divine golden-blue Goddess
    Whose hands are adorned by water-born lotus.
    Embody Six Perfections: Giving, Patience
    Ethics, Concentration, Vigor, and Wisdom

    4. Golden Tara of Crown Victorious

    Homage to You who crowns Buddha’s ushnishas,
    Whose victorious actions have no limit.
    Who has attained ev’ry transcendent wisdom,
    On whom the Bodhisattvas themselves rely.

    5. Tara Proclaiming the Sound of HUM

    Homage to You who with HUM and TUTTARA,
    Fill all worlds of desire, direction, space.
    Who with your feet press down on the Seven Worlds;
    You subdue all beings under your power.

    6. Tara Victorious Over the Three Levels of World

    Homage to You praised by Indra and Agni,
    Brahma, Vayu, Ishvara and all the gods
    All the spirits, zombies, and the smell-eaters,
    Even the Yakshas give praise in Your presence.

    7. Tara Who Crushes Adversaries

    Homage to You who with the TRAY and PEY sounds,
    Crush every magical wheel, evil forces,
    Right leg extended and left bent, you trample,
    You burn them completely in Your whirling fire.

    8. Tara Who Gives Supreme Spiritual Power

    Homage to You, TURE, the Boundless Fierce One,
    Who totally destroys leaders of maras.
    Whose lotus-like face forms furious wrinkles,
    You annihilate foes without exception.

    9. Tara of the Khadira Fragrant Forest

    Homage to You whose fingers held at Your chest,
    Displaying the mudra of the Three Jewels;
    Beautiful swirling light in your precious hands
    Dharma wheels connect every direction.

    10. Tara Who Dispels All Suffering

    Homage to You, the majestic and joyful
    With brilliant garlands of light around your crown
    With the great clangor of laughter TUTTARA
    Over power all the worlds and the maras.

    11. Tara Who Summons All Beings and Dispels Misfortune

    Homage to You, endowed with the great power,
    To draw assembly of worldly guardians.
    The One who with the HUM of wrathful wrinkles
    You rescue completely from all poverty.

    12. Tara Who Grants Prosperity and Brings About Aupsiciousness

    Homage to You, who is crowned with crescent moon,
    And whose ornaments so brilliantly sparkle.
    Amitabha in front of your ushnisha,
    Eternally radiating beams of light.

    13. Tara the Complete Rinpener

    Homage to You, who dwell in garlands of flames
    Engulfed in fire like the end of the aeon.
    Right leg outstretched and left bent with blissful joy
    Who with your power destroy all enemies.

    14. Wrathful, Shaking and Frowning Tara

    Homage to You, striking the ground with your hand
    And crushing the earth with your majestic foot.
    With wrathful, wrinkled face and the sound of HUM
    You fully subdue seven levels of worlds.

    15. Tara the Great Peaceful One Who Provides Virtues

    Homage to You, happy, virtuous and peaceful,
    Who acts from eternal bliss of Nirvana.
    And who with the pure sounds of OM and SVAHA,
    Eliminates the most unwholesome Karmas!

    16. Tara Destroyer of All Attachment

    Homage to You, who turns the Wheel of Dharma
    For truly devoted, who love the teachings
    Crushing enemies — all types of obstacles
    with the Hum and the ten syllable mantra.

    17. Tara Accomplisher of Joy and Bliss

    Homage to You with feet stamping and Ture
    Whose essence is the sacred syllable Hum.
    You cause Mount Meru, Mandhara and Vindhya
    Making all three worlds to tremble and shake!

    18. Victorious Tara Who Increases Realizations

    Homage to You, holding the moon in Your hand
    Like a celestial ocean of nectar.
    Sound of the PEY and the twice uttered TARA
    You completely dispel every poison.

    19. Tara, Extinguisher of All Suffering

    Homage to You on whom the devas rely
    And also the lords of all the Gandharvas.
    Your armor of joy, a radiant brightness,
    You eliminate arguments and nightmares.

    20. Tara, Source of All Powerful Attainments

    Homage to You, whose two eyes are shining bright,
    Brilliant with light like the sun and the full moon.
    Saying HARA twice and TUTTARE again
    You clear and eliminate epidemics.

    21. Tara of the Perfection of Wisdom and Compassion

    Homage to You whose pure Body, Speech and Mind
    Are perfect with the strength and power of peace.
    Suppressing Maras, Dons, Zombies and Yakshas
    With the most exalted syllable TURE.

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    Lee Kane

    Author | Buddha Weekly

    Lee Kane is the editor of Buddha Weekly, since 2007. His main focuses as a writer are mindfulness techniques, meditation, Dharma and Sutra commentaries, Buddhist practices, international perspectives and traditions, Vajrayana, Mahayana, Zen. He also covers various events.
    Lee also contributes as a writer to various other online magazines and blogs.

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