Losar – Lunar New Year
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
TASHI DELEK! In the Tibetan Lunar calendar, New year is celebrated on February 21, 2023 — whereas on the Chinese lunar calendar it falls on January 22, 2023 (due to lunisolar calculations.) New Years marks the first day, first month of the year 2150, and the beginning of the Chothrul Duchen celebrated for 15 days to honor the 15 miracles of Buddha Shakyamuni.
- For a full feature on 2023 Losar, and festivities (with videos!) see, our full feature>>Tashi Delek! Happy LOSAR Tibetan Lunar New Year 2023 (Tibetan Year 2150) Female Water Hare year; how to prepare, how to celebrate to bring auspicious blessings
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