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Buddha Weekly's Latest Videos
Buddha Weekly's Latest Features
4 Guardians of the World and Dharma: the Watchers of the World: the Four Heavenly Kings in Buddhism, Their Mantras and Practice
When you visit a Mahayana Buddhist Temple, the looming and magnificent presence of the "Watchers of the World" or "Guardians of the World" -- a translation of Locapala (लोकपाल ) -- or the Four Heavenly Kings, is often the most striking. They tower at the entrances to the Temple, guarding the doorways...
Bodhi Day and Awakening to Dharma — celebrated on anniversary of Shakyamuni Gautauma Buddha’s Enlightenment
VIDEO for TARA DAY: 21 Tara Mantras in 21 Minutes a Short Practice: Extra Merit Practice Day
VIDEO and PRACTICE: For Tara Days (and any day!) TARA’s GREAT DHARANI from Sutra chanted in Sanskrit
Tara’s Great Dharani from The Noble Sūtra Tārā Who Protects from the Eight Dangers is the Supreme Protective Dharani. Here, we chant in the original Sanskrit. (TURN ON CC or SUBTITLES for CHANT-ALONG. No Permission is required to chant this powerful Sutra Dharani.) Green Tara Great Dharani from Sutra chanted by Buddha...
Four Buddhist Heavenly Kings: Mantras and Sadhana
The Four Heavenly Kings in Buddhism are important in most lineages and traditions. Known as the Chaturmahārāja in Sanskrit — Maha meaning great and Raja meaning king — they have an important role as devas or gods who protect the Dharma and the world. They are also called Lokapāla, meaning "guardians of...
Supporting Members Video: Four Buddhist Heavenly Kings: Documentary, Mantras and Sadhana
SUPPORTING MEMBER VIDEO! 21 Taras’ Mantras in 21 Minutes: a Daily Practice – Blessings of Green Tara and 21 Taras
“Means of Accomplishing”: Sadhanas, the secret sauce recipe of Vajrayana Buddhism — the ingredients that make it effective, and how to embrace its elegant formulas
SUPPORTING MEMBERS VIDEO MANTRA: Tara’s Supreme Dharani from Sutra – Protects from 8 Dangers and Fears with 5 Activities
Buddhist Practices for Pacifying War, including Hayagriva and Tara — the “pacifiers of war”
Hayagriva and Tara practices are only two of many practices in Tibetan Buddhism focused on averting war. Why are these two practices so effective in averting fear and strife of war — practices that endured centuries of human history marked by war? If these practices work, why is there still war? [Quick...
A Light to the World — Celebrate Buddha’s Descent from Heaven on Lhabab Duchen: merit multiplied ten million times
VIDEO: Vajrapani Vajra Armor Mantra: Supreme Protection of Dorje Godrab Vajrakavaca from Padmasambhava
Buddha Weekly’s Special Section
Tara, Mother of all Buddhas

Karma Mother
How does Tara Help?
Tara, like any Mother, is ready to jump to our aid, even in mundane areas of life. She is the “practical Buddha” — the “Karma Mother” — the Buddha most active in our lives. Her Sanskrit name translates as “a star by which to navigate” — and like a star, she is always with us whenever we look for her.

Tara on YouTube
21 Taras Mantra Video Playlist
An entire playlist of every one of the mantras for the 21 Taras. Don't miss the amazing Tara mantra chanting of Yoko Dharma for the each Tara of the 21 Taras according to Surya Gupta lineage. One video with many repetitions and visualized images for each Tara. The final video is the English-translated 21 Praises to Tara sung in English.