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Buddha Weekly's Latest Videos
Buddha Weekly's Latest Features
Buddhist Mindfulness Techniques to Ease Work Burnout
SUPPORTING MEMBER VIDEO: Why do mantras work — and sometimes don’t! What are the 3 requirements for mantra use?
The Purity Essence Mantra: Understanding and Practicing the Mantra OM SVABHAVA SHUDDHO SARVA DHARMA SVABHAVA SHUDDHO HAM
Celebrating the Supreme Assembly, the Sangha: Maga Puga Day and Fourfold Assembly Day
Video Chanting: Mamaki Mantra: Ratna Jewel Mother of Prosperity, Bounty and Generosity
Why do mantras sometimes seem to work and other times do not? What is the fuel that makes the mantra engine run?
Video: Are you a Dakini or Heruka? Wisdom and Compassion Practices in Vajrayana Buddhism
What is the Wisdom Dakini or Daka in Buddhism? Which one are you? A Daka or a Dakini? Why is their practice especially important in modern, active life, overcoming the obstacles and the poisons? Why are they often depicted dancing, standing, and sometimes ferocious or even naked? We answer these questions, with...
Guru Rinpoche is ready to answer and grant wishes: “Repeat this prayer continuously” for the granting of wishes
Buddhist Practices for Pacifying War, including Hayagriva and Tara — the “pacifiers of war”
Hayagriva and Tara practices are only two of many practices in Tibetan Buddhism focused on averting war. Why are these two practices so effective in averting fear and strife of war — practices that endured centuries of human history marked by war? If these practices work, why is there still war? [Quick...
SUPPORTING MEMBER VIDEO: Mamaki Mantra: Ratna Jewel Mother of Prosperity, Bounty and Generosity
SUPPORTING MEMBER VIDEO: Are you a Dakini or Heruka? Wisdom and Compassion Practices in Vajrayana Buddhism
Are you a Dakini or a Daka? What is the Wisdom Dakini or Heruka in Buddhism? Why is their practice important?
Buddha Weekly’s Special Section
Tara, Mother of all Buddhas

Karma Mother
How does Tara Help?
Tara, like any Mother, is ready to jump to our aid, even in mundane areas of life. She is the “practical Buddha” — the “Karma Mother” — the Buddha most active in our lives. Her Sanskrit name translates as “a star by which to navigate” — and like a star, she is always with us whenever we look for her.

Tara on YouTube
21 Taras Mantra Video Playlist
An entire playlist of every one of the mantras for the 21 Taras. Don't miss the amazing Tara mantra chanting of Yoko Dharma for the each Tara of the 21 Taras according to Surya Gupta lineage. One video with many repetitions and visualized images for each Tara. The final video is the English-translated 21 Praises to Tara sung in English.