Concise Healing Practice – Medicine Buddha with Chanted Dharani and Mantras
Here follows the Path to Happiness and Peace, a Practice of Medicine Buddha, Guru King of Healing, by the great teacher Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo. Anyone may recite and benefit.
Namo guru-bhaishajya rajaya. Namo guru-bhaishajya rajaya. Namo guru-bhaishajya rajaya.
In the Buddha, Dharma and supreme Sangha I take refuge until enlightenment is realized. (3x)
Through the merit of giving and the other perfections, may I attain Buddhahood for the sake of all beings. (3x)
May all sentient beings enjoy happiness and the causes of happiness.
May all sentient beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering.
May all beings never be separated from true happiness, free from suffering.
May all beings dwell in boundless equanimity, free from attachment and aversion.
In front of me, appearing out of emptiness, is a blue letter Hum, on an eight-petalled white lotus. In the center of this is a moon disc, and on the moon disc, on a lotus throne, is Lapis Lazuli Medicine Buddha Bhaishajyaguru. His holy body, clear and in the nature of deep blue light, is in the aspect of supreme transformation, constantly emitting healing blue light to the entire Universe.
He is resplendent, and radiant with the major and minor marks of perfection, and clad in the three Dharma robes, with legs crossed in the vajra posture. Simply viewing his beautiful face brings a feeling of peace and healing and vitality.
He is holding an arura medicine plant in his right hand and a begging bowl in his left.
I now create merit with the 7 Limbs of practice, beginning with prostrations.
I go for refuge to Lapis Lazuli Light Medicine Buddha, Bhaishajya guru, the Buddhas, the Dharma and the Highest Assembly.
Bhagavān, tathāgata, arhat, complete and perfect buddha, Bhaishajya guru, Medicine Buddha, to you I pay homage! In you I take refuge! (3x)
I declare every nonvirtuous act since beginningless time.
I rejoice in all virtues of holy and ordinary beings.
I will cultivate the Bodhichitta, to most effectively benefit all sentient beings.
Having generated the intention to take the Buddha’s path, I will care for all sentient beings as my guests.
I offer flowers, incense, light, fragrances, food, music and the like, both those actually arranged and those mentally imagined.
Supreme gathering, please accept them.
I will in this way cultivate Bodhichitta, the intention to become Enlightened for the benefit of all sentient beings.
May all beings have happiness and its causes.
May all beings be free from suffering and its causes.
May all beings constantly dwell in joy transcending sorrow.
May all beings dwell in equal love for both near and far.
Supreme merit field, please remain in Samsara and turn the Wheel of the Dharma to benefit all sentient beings!
Now, as I chant the Dharani and the mantras, the blue healing light goes out from Medicine Buddha to all beings in the entire universe. The sparkling lapis lazuli blue healing light, blesses all sentient beings with auspiciousness, long life, wisdom and compassion, and then returns and is absorbed into my own heart, blessing me in turn with health, vitality, long life, auspiciousness, healing energy, and wisdom.
Namo bhagavate bhaiṣajyaguru vaiḍūryaprabharājāya tathāgatāya arhate samyaksambuddhāya tadyathā oṃ bhaiṣajye bhaiṣajye mahābhaiṣajya samudgate svāhā
Oṃ bhaiṣajye bhaiṣajye mahābhaiṣajya samudgate svāhā
Transcendent accomplished conqueror, for all of us your compassion is equal and the same.
Just by hearing your name Medicine Buddha, we are removed from the suffering of the lower realms, and healed of the diseases of the three poisons.
Medicine Buddha, shining with lapis lazuli light, to you I bow.
Transcendent accomplished victor, thus-gone one, foe destroyer, Perfectly enlightened Medicine Buddha, bless me and all infinite sentient beings with the common and supreme siddhis.
Through this merit may I swiftly accomplish the Buddha of Medicine, and lead every single sentient being To that state of perfection.
We dedicate the merit of this presentation to the benefit of all sentient beings.
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Lee Kane
Author | Buddha Weekly
Lee Kane is the editor of Buddha Weekly, since 2007. His main focuses as a writer are mindfulness techniques, meditation, Dharma and Sutra commentaries, Buddhist practices, international perspectives and traditions, Vajrayana, Mahayana, Zen. He also covers various events.
Lee also contributes as a writer to various other online magazines and blogs.