Dakini Day and Tsog

Buddha-Weekly-High Resolution Fierce Vajrayogini-Buddhism

Dakini Day and Tsog

Simhamukha or Senge Dongma, the Lion-Faced Dakini . This is a statue hand thangka painted as an act of devotion by Buddha Weekly's creative director Kam Wai Yu.

Dakini Day and Tsog

Buddha-Weekly-Vajrayogini Buddha for our times-Buddhism

Dakini Day and Tsog

A beautiful newari (new-style) take on Vajrayogini.

Dakini Day and Tsog

Buddha-Weekly-Vajrayogini Buddha for our times-Buddhism

Dakini Day and Tsog


Dakini Day and Tsog


Dakini Day and Tsog

Buddha-Weekly-Vajrayogini 3-Buddhism

Dakini Day and Tsog

The traditional meditation pose of Vajrayogini, two armed, red, nude, drinking from the blissful nectar in a skullcup.

Dakini Day and Tsog

Buddha-Weekly-Vajrayogini Buddha for our times-Buddhism

Dakini Day and Tsog

A beautiful newari (new-style) take on Vajrayogini.

Dakini Day and Tsog

Buddha-Weekly-Vajrayogini Buddha for our times-Buddhism


Naropa has a vision of Vajrayogini. In the background is his retreat cave.
Vajrayogini's special month — especially important to her devotees — is the 11th Lunar month each year — during which all Vajrayogini practices are especially auspicious, multiplied merit! On the 25th Day of her special month — in 2023 on January 17 — this is the most Holy Day of the Year to Vajrayogini Yoginis and Yogis.

Vajrayogini Month!

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