Video: Marici Tara Mantra for Protection, Success and Prosperity Om Marici Mam Svaha

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    Marici (Marichi) is called the Great Enemy of Demons or Maras. She is the Enlightened Goddess of the Dawn. Her Golden Rays of Light Destroy any evil, curses, malignancy, evil intentions or curses. Her warm light is also the power to enrich your lifeforce, your auspiciousness, and prosperity. She is an enriching and auspicious aspect of Mother Tara.



    In some lineages, she is often considered to be the 21st Tara. In the Surya Gupta lineage, she is a protector of the merit field along with great Ekajata (a form of Blue Tara).

    Her heart mantra, with her seed syllable MAM is

    Om Marici Mam Svaha

    This is her main name praise mantra and invokes her auspicious power, the warmth of the sun at dawn, breaking on the darkness.

    OM in Mahayana Buddhism honors the Body, Speech and Mind of the Enlightened One

    MARICI (Marici) is her name

    MAM is her seed syllable, the essence of Marici

    SVAHA has numerous explanations, but essentially dedicates the merit of the mantra to the intention supplicated and the benefit of all sentient beings. It translates as “well said” but also “so be it” and also “to call.”

    Her mantra is often pronounced both Marici and Marichi. In Sankrit it typically has a “ch” sound.


    She is an emanation of Mother Tara — the twenty-first of the 21 Taras, and a fully enlightened Bodhisattva. Her praise, translated to English is: Om, Homage to the goddess Marichi. Homage to her, the great enemy of the Maras. Utterly invincible, vanquisher of all, She who travels before the sun and moon, simply by praying to you, may all opposing forces be destroyed!

    Here, chanted by the amazing Yoko Dharma, in the Surya Gupta lineage style, as transmitted by Tara to the great Mahasiddha Surya Gupta. The lineages included: Tara Mulakalpa Tantra Lineage: Shakyamuni Buddha, Vajrapani, Hayapala, Hayaghosha, Rahulabhadra (Saraha), Nagarjuna, Aryadeva, Rahulabhadra the Younger, Jvalashespa, Dharma Bhadra Pala, Nagamitra, Suryagupta, after which it was brought to Tibet.

    In the Surya Gupta lineage visualization, she’s typically two-armed, yellow-golden like the sun, with a vajra and a flower branch, seated on a moon disc as Tara, with one leg thrust out, ready to rise to your aid. In other forms shown in this video, she has six arms and three faces (one is the face of a blue boar to indicate she has overcome ignorance. one is red for magnetizing, and one is yellow.) She can also appear with two arms on a boar, or in another form in a chariot drawn by several boars. In yet another form she has four arms and only the boars head. If you do not have these lineages, just visualize her in her two armed yellow form.

    Empowerment is not required to benefit from her protective mantras.Ideally, before chanting the mantra, if you seek her protection, you can chant the benefits prayer to Marichi found in the Dharani Sutra of Marici. In English this would be:

    “Om goddess Marichi, please protect me on the road! Please protect me from taking wrong paths! Please protect me from dangerous beings! Please protect me from the danger of tyrants! Please protect me from the danger of elephants! Please protect me from the danger of thieves! Please protect me from the danger of nagas! Please protect me from the danger of lions! Please protect me from the danger of tigers! Please protect me from the danger of fire! Please protect me from the danger of water! Please protect me from the danger of snakes! Please protect me from the danger of poison! Please protect me from the danger of opponents and adversaries!

    Anytime you feel threatened, or feel overwhelmed by internal obstacles or external dangers, simply chant her simplest mantra while thinking of her golden light. See yourself surrounded by impenetrable golden light, and know you are safe. Chant the mantra silently or outloud as you do. Om Marici Mam Svaha

    PERMISSION IS NOT REQUIRED for this mantra although it is beneficial to ask your teacher for lung (transmission) when the opportunity arises. However, the mantra is efficacious for those with faith, regardless. The mantra is available for download on Yoko Dharma’s music website:

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    Lee Kane

    Author | Buddha Weekly

    Lee Kane is the editor of Buddha Weekly, since 2007. His main focuses as a writer are mindfulness techniques, meditation, Dharma and Sutra commentaries, Buddhist practices, international perspectives and traditions, Vajrayana, Mahayana, Zen. He also covers various events.
    Lee also contributes as a writer to various other online magazines and blogs.

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