
Vajra and bell and mala are all important "Practice supports." Bell represents support of wisdom in our practice, vajra stands for activity and compassion, and the mala stands for Dharma speech.

The Sound of Enlightenment: Healing, Setting the Mind Free, Protecting the Mind, and Remaining Mindful of Dharma Throughout the Day

Larger fish drums are often hung outside temples.

Waking up the Mind in Buddhism! The Zen of Drumming for a Wakeful Mind and Mindfulness with the Wooden Fish Drum’s Unique Sound

Meditation has proven health benefits.

Settling the Mind or Activating the Mind — which meditation works, why and how? One’s good for health, the other for mind, and…

What do the Dalai Lama and Patch Adams M.D. have in common? They both believe in the power of laughter to heal.

Laughter — the Best Medicine: What the Dalai Lama and Patch Adams Have in Common

Buddha-Weekly-Monkey King movie-Buddhism

Dealing with the Monkey King: Meditation Techniques for People With Unsettled Monkey Minds


Loving Kindness: My Favorite Sutra

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