Meditation as key to increasing concentration, cognitive ability, productivity — tips for reducing stress and easing sleep
Although many people still do not admit it, the mere fact of studying, acquiring knowledge, can be a really tough task. Stress makes concentration, cognitive recall, and productivity difficult for most of us. Meditation is a proven method to reduce this stress — and increase your capacity to concentrate.
By Diane Wong
(Biography below.)
The Need for Productivity
All this is a reality that makes students look for formulas that allow them to increase productivity. High-performance rate in assimilating knowledge reduces the time of a learning process. Once this scenario is raised, it must be said that increases in productivity may be easier than you might think. Meditation has been shown to bring a number of benefits, both physically and mentally, that allows knowledge to be assimilated with greater efficiency.
Stress Reduction Is the Key
It is true that stress is a very useful response of the human organism to certain situations. However, permanent and uncontrolled stress is not beneficial. This stress increases the secretion of cortisol, a hormone that will trigger a series of reactions that will prevent you from facing the study in a calm manner.
Well, meditation, with sessions of even 10 minutes a day is more than enough to reduce the levels of this hormone and, consequently, stress. A reduction of stress will allow you to face the study in a more optimistic way, more calm and, definitively, with a greater capacity of reception since there are no external factors that prevent it.

Increases the Ability to Concentrate
Meditation, in essence, and despite the fact that there are many variations and ways of facing it, helps you become aware of yourself.
Zen Buddhist traditions highlight that If you’ve never practiced it, it can be quite shocking: you will notice your breathing, heartbeat as well as any involuntary movement. Over time it can be enormously liberating. You will learn to be at 100% in every moment, without any kind of interference.

A state that will allow you to have a greater capacity for concentration. Your mind will not be preoccupied with any concerns. And of course, if you develop the capacity to concentrate, to be in the today and in the now, the assimilation of knowledge will be much better. Moreover, it has been shown that those people who meditate to increase their capacity for concentration are much more receptive to the various study techniques that exist today.
Encourages Rest
It goes without saying that the importance of quality rest is vital on both a physical and mental level. Although it is true that on many occasions it is recommended to sleep between 7 and 8 hours, it is known that the number of hours is not as important as their quality. As already mentioned, to be able to meet with oneself will make sleep deeper, more restful and free your mind from everything unimportant.

The main consequence of this could not be more evident. A person, in this case, a student, more rested and with adjusted biorhythms, will have a greater capacity for learning. Concentration will be greater and all this will make productivity increase exponentially.
3 Practical Tips for Getting Started in Meditation
As you have seen, something as seemingly simple as meditation has many advantages. However, you must emphasize one key fact, and that is constancy. It is not enough to meditate, or at least to try, one day a week. You have to persist. You have to improve your technique and achieve ever greater goals. Therefore, to reach this perfection, it is necessary to follow some simple guidelines.
- Start with just 2 minute-meditation sessions. It may seem like a short time, but the mastery of the mind and body during those two minutes will make the path to proceed easier afterward.
- Help yourself with guided sessions. Until you have a refined technique, you cannot do anything without guided sessions. These sessions, by the way, are essential to acquire the habits that this technique requires.
- Help yourself with music or aromas. There are many cases in which silence can be more of an enemy than an ally. Well, in these cases, include some relaxing music or some aroma in the room.
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Diane Wong
Author | Buddha Weekly
Diane H. Wong is a passionate writer. Besides, she is good at working out different strategies on self-improvement. In this case, she has her own section at DoMyWriting. Diane likes sharing her experience with others describing various techniques to other practitioners.