Podcast: Guided Meditation and mantra of Kṣitigarbha Jizo Dìzàng Earth Store Bodhisattva chanted beautifully
Why is Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva so popular across all traditions of Buddhism? What are the benefits of meditating on Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva? Why is his mantra treasured for stability, riches and wish-granting?
We answer these questions, followed by a short visualization meditation of Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva. We finish with the mantra of the great Earth Store Bodhisattva chanted beautifully by Hrishikesh Sonar in Sanskrit.
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His name translates to English as Earth Store Savior.
Why Earth Store?
Earth nurtures the growth of all things, and Store refers to hidden treasures.
It is from Earth that life springs.
Like the earth, this Enlightened hero is able to make all things grow.
Like the great earth, he has endless, boundless treasure troves in the ground for people to uncover, including treasures of Dharma teachings.
Those with faith will see the treasures revealed.
According to the Hundred and Eight Names of Kṣhitigarbha and Ten Wheels Sūtra, his practice will ensure the universe will remain stable, riches will increase, you will gain whatever you wish for, and all glorious qualities will expand enormously.
Why is his meditation, mantra and sutra recitation so effective?
According to tradition and Sutra teachings, Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva — also known as Jizo in Japan, or Dìzàng in Chinese Buddhism — will be the most active of the Bodhisattvas in the time between the Nirvana of Shakyamuni Buddha and the rise of the next Buddha Maitreya.
For these reasons, and his closeness to our world, he is called the Earth Store Bodhisattva.
In times of natural disaster, such as earthquakes, climate change, hurricanes, and epidemics, teachers such as Lama Zopa Rinpoche recommend his meditation and mantra.
The mantra and his Dharani contain the essence of recitation of the Eight Names of Kṣitigarbha and Ten Wheels Sutra.
He is also widely treasured because he is an unfailing friend and hero, rescuing those suffering from negative karmas and hell realms.
He is praised and honored in most traditions of Mahayana Buddhism, because of his great vows to save all sentient beings from suffering.
His special day, celebrated by most Buddhists, is on the 30th day of the 7th lunar month, but he is a daily practice for many.
For a more in-depth look at this great Earth Store Bodhisattva, see our full features in Buddha Weekly at the link icon in the top right.
Come along with us now, as we visualize the glorious Earth Store Bodhisattva, in a visualized meditation..
Half close your eyes, or visualize with the images in this video.
Breathe in softly.
In. Then out.
In. And out.
Breathe slowly. In. Out. In. Out.
Calm your mind.
Become mindful and spacious.
See yourself, seated in spacious emptiness, peaceful and serene.
Golden light arises, gently, enveloping you, warming you, protecting you.
From that golden light, you see Golden Kṣitigarbha arise, beautiful and wondrous.
Surrounding him is an aureole of more golden light.
He wears a golden upper garment.
He appears as glowing golden light — and surrounding this is green light — the color of the activity of the Buddhas.
You can see him as princely, with a silks and a crown of five Buddhas, or as a monk with a glorious six-ringed staff, which he can shake to open the portals between worlds.
It is with this six-ringed golden staff that he can open wide the gates of hell, rescuing suffering beings.
He sits or he stands on a moon, suffused with warm white light, on top of a stunning lotus throne.
He can be standing, walking, or seated in the Bodhisattva posture on a throne, or even seated in the full vajra posture.
In one hand he holds a six-ringed golden Dharma staff that opens all portals between all worlds and perceptions of existence.
In the other he holds a precious pearl, glowing white and beautiful, to signify his auspicious power over the Earth. This blessing light reaches and blesses all six realms.
As the Earth Store Bodhisattva, he is surrounded by golden-green valleys and snow-capped mountains of stunning beauty.
At his forehead you can slightly see the syllable Ohm, white in color, emanating light, representing the body of the Buddha.
At his throat chakra you can see the syllable Ah, red in color, emanating light, representing the speech of the Buddha
At his heart chakra you see a blue hum syllable, blue in color, emanating light, representing the heart and mind of the Buddha.
These colors mix together, becoming green.
Green auspicious light suffuses everyone, and everything.
You see green light emanating and entering your own body empowering you, protecting you, strengthening you, and sending you auspicious energy.
Now, praise the Earth Store Bodhisattva — with this Praise from the Sutra, translated to English:
Earth Store Bodhisattva wonderful beyond compare;
Gold hue’d in his Glorious body he appears.
He transmits Wondrous Dharma sounds throughout the three paths and six realms.
His pearl shining brightly lights the way to heaven’s halls;
Six-ringed golden staff shakes open wide the gates of hell.
Nahmo Earth Store, Great vows and compassion, Bodhisattva of the dark and dismal worlds; on Nine Flower Mountain, most honored one, with ten wheels of power you rescue all the suffering ones.
Now, as you visualize the healing, auspicious and protective activity green light entering your body, absorbing into you, chant the mantra, here presented by Hrishikesh Sonar in Sanskrit. Turn on the captions to see the chant-along syllables.
Om Ah Kṣitigarbha T-hanleng Hum
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Lee Kane
Author | Buddha Weekly
Lee Kane is the editor of Buddha Weekly, since 2007. His main focuses as a writer are mindfulness techniques, meditation, Dharma and Sutra commentaries, Buddhist practices, international perspectives and traditions, Vajrayana, Mahayana, Zen. He also covers various events.
Lee also contributes as a writer to various other online magazines and blogs.