To enjoy the ad-free experience, consider supporting our noble Dharma mission.
Your support — as a Dharma Member or a one-time Donor — helps Buddha Weekly’s hard-working volunteers create educational Buddha Dharma content in multiple formats and multiple languages — to help us “Spread the Dharma.” We remain committed to preserving and spreading the Dharma in many languages around the world — with new content every week in online features, videos, podcasts and emailed "ezines", thanks to your help.
Whether $5 a month or $25, all of our precious Dharma Members are heroes! Your support helps us publish new and excellent Dharma content to all our channels: written features, videos, podcasts and books.

Although our content is always free, we are delighted to provide the "ad-free" experience and early access to our supporting members who help us "Spread the Dharma." Ads are used on our site to help fund costs of site hosting and to help us develop publications, mantra music, videos and Dharma materials. To enjoy the ad-free experience, consider supporting our noble Dharma mission.
Members have login's for their visits, giving them access to the ad-free version of this site, ad-free videos and some downloads of our beautiful mantras as MP3
All Members Enjoy Ad-Free Experience and Early Access to Videos
Champion Dharma Benefactor
$25 / Month
- As a thank you to our dear Champion Dharma Benefactors, please enjoy downloadable mp3s of our beautiful recorded mantra chants. All our Benefactors also enjoy early access to all ad-free videos. All members enjoy the ad-free experience on when they are logged in.
Precious Dharma Benefactor
$10 / Month
- As a thank you to our dear Precious Dharma Benefactors, enjoy ad-free access to all of our content — full written features and videos (when logged in) — as well as many of our most popular MP3 downloads of mantras.
Dharma Benefactor
$5 / Month
- As a thank you to our dear Dharma Benefactors, please enjoy ad-free access to all of our content — full written features and videos.
Buddha Weekly publishes Dharma videos, original mantra music in Sanskrit, online dharma magazine, weekly e-zine, podcasts, and planned books — working to the mission of "Spread the Dharma.”
Buddha Weekly Online
Buddha Weekly Magazine is a free online publication — ad-free for supporting members — drawing over 2 million readers per year. We often cover specific Buddhist traditions, practices, teachers and lineages, and insights into practice. Buddha Weekly remains very practice-oriented. Buddha Weekly was founded by dedicated Buddhists who donate their time on content, working on the mission of preserving and spreading Dharma teachings in all the key paths:
- Theravada
- Mahayana
- Zen and Chan
- Vajrayana
- Shingon
Buddha Weekly YouTube
Found at our growing YouTube channel covers Dharma in many ways, with playlists for:
Buddhist "living" topics from teachers, such as: Dealing with Anger, Healing and Health, meditation topics, motivation, memory loss
- Buddhist "turning point" videos, including, loss of loved ones, loss of pets, overcoming obstacles, and many others.
- Buddhist teachings and specific practices.
- Teachings from lineage teachers.
- Mantra chanting videos.
- 21 Taras series — many mantra videos, teaching videos, guided visualizations, and teachings.
- Jataka Tales stories, narrated and animated for all ages.
- Sutra series, covering major sutras.
Buddha Weekly Mantra Music in Sanskrit
The Buddha Weekly "Band" are volunteer vocalists, writers, musicians and studio team committed to preserving the original sacred Sanskrit Mantras and helping practioners with pronunciation. These mantras are put to chantable music in original Sanskrit pronunciation, the most sacred of mantra languages for Mahayana Buddhists, with special attention to vocal pronunciation.
Although serious mantra practice, such as accumunlation retreats, are not usually musically chanted, for devotional practice, or daily Sadhanas, chanted mantras can make it more appealing and memorable to chant.
Our mantras are original. Please respect the copyright, allowing their distribution to help fund our Dharma mission and future mantra albums. To date we've produced two full albums of 10 and several singles. The third album will soon release! Help support our mission with your membership.