Tara Day: First Quarter Moon Waxing (8th Day Lunar)
Happy Tara Day
Every day is Tara day, although typically we celebrate especially on the eighth day of the lunar month, which is auspicious for Tara practice. Tara is the Wisdom and Compassion Activity of all the Buddhas. For more information on Tara Day, and meritorious activities for this special day each month, see our full feature>>
Supreme Activity Day is on the first quarter moon, the 8th Day of the lunar month. As Enlightened Activity Day, it is therefore special to Mother Tara and the Karma Buddha Family of Amoghasiddhi. Or, for example, if the activity you are practicing is medical or health, this can also be Medicine Buddha Day. As the moon grows towards a full moon, we think of the “Enlightened Activities” growing and multiplying.
About Karma Mother Tara:
Activity Day, the 8th Lunar Day, like the other three lunar Dharma days, are extra merit days. We might practice the 21 Tara Praise, or recite Tara’s Sutra or practice the Sadhanas of Tara or Medicine Buddha. We might recite the supplication mantras of each of the 21 Taras to encourage those activities of power and magnetizing, pacifying, enriching and wrathful protective activities.
Tara’s Mantra Video:
Playlist for the 21 Taras Mantras (one video per mantra 108 times each):
21 Taras Dharani in Sanskrit Video:
Dharma Dates

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